alexander-harmaty / Publisher-Subscriber-Pattern-Implementation

FSC-BCS-426: C# Programming Lab 8

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Publisher-Subscriber Pattern




Assignment Context

This project was one of the later assignments for my C# Programming class.

The goal of this assignment was to further explore C# by implementing the Publisher-Subscriber software architecture pattern.

This was a solo assignment made with C#, and Visual Studio 2022.


This program implements the Publisher-Subscriber software architecture pattern, also known as the Pub/Sub pattern. It creates an instance of a Registrar object, which acts as the subscriber/consumer, and multiple instances of a Student object, which acts as the publisher/producer. The Student object publishes new student information to the Registrar object through an event handler.

How It Works

The program uses the Publisher-Subscriber software architecture pattern to implement the communication between the Student and Registrar objects. The Student object is the publisher, which raises the NewStudentInfo event whenever a new student is created. The Registrar object is the subscriber, which listens for the NewStudentInfo event and handles it by calling the NewStudentArrived method. The NewStudentArrived method updates the registered field for the student to true and outputs a message to the console stating that the student has been registered.

The StudentInfoEventArgs class is used to pass student information between the Student and Registrar objects. This class contains properties for the student's name, date of birth, major, status, and registration status. The NewStudent method in the Student object takes in the necessary student information and raises the NewStudentInfo event with a new instance of the StudentInfoEventArgs class.

The Main method in the Program class creates multiple instances of the Student object, each of which registers a new student with the Registrar object through the NewStudentArrived method. Each Student object instance is also given a random name, date of birth, major, status, and registration status. The Thread.Sleep method is used to delay the creation of each new student for a random amount of time between 100 and 3000 milliseconds.

Finally, when the program is complete, the console outputs a message prompting the user to exit the program.