alex-drake / LocateR

Display the user location within a Shiny/Leaflet application

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Display the user location within a Shiny/Leaflet application

This mini-app uses the RShiny tag function to include additional JavaScript in order to get the location of the app user. Note that the user must run the app in their browser and share their location when the browser pop-up appears.

The location will then be displayed on the map, along with the coordinates in the Lat/Long input boxes - the user can then change the marker location by modifying the textInputs.

The app location defaults to London (UK) using fitBounds but pans to the user location when applied.

Working version of the app here


Display the user location within a Shiny/Leaflet application


Language:R 100.0%