alewerner / udacity_JDND_P1

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Chat Room

Complete the chat room application implementation using WebSocket.


WebSocket is a communication protocol that makes it possible to establish a two-way communication channel between a server and a client.


Implement the message model

Message model is the message payload that will be exchanged between the client and the server. Implement the Message class in chat module. Make sure you cover all there basic actions.

  1. ENTER
  2. CHAT
  3. LEAVE


Complete WebSocketChatServer

Implement all TODOs inside WebSocketChatServer follow each method description.

Run the application with command

mvn build; mvn spring-boot:run


Selenium Framework and Junit

Web Driver for Selenium:

To help with the configuration of the WebDriver, for tests, I used this lib: WebDriverManager


Login: login

ChatRoom: Print2

Reference Material:



Language:Java 52.8%Language:HTML 47.2%