alewerner / project_4

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Project 4 - Blockchain Udacity Course

In this project, you will build a Star Registry Service that allows users to claim ownership of their favorite star in the night sky.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


What things you need to install the software and how to install them

npm install


A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a developmentenv running

Just run the app on the comand line like this

nodejs index.js

And will show this

Listening on port8000


For better test, I recomend use Postman to test this RESTful app, but you can use curl too.

GET /blocks
    Returns a JSON array of all blocks in the chain

    Returns a block at a specific height

POST /block
    Adds a new block to the chain

POST /requestValidation
    This signature proves the users blockchain identity. Upon validation of this identity, the user should be granted access to register a single star.

POST /message-signature/validate
    After receiving the response, users will prove their blockchain identity by signing a message with their wallet. Once they sign this message, the application will validate their request and grant access to register a star.

GET /stars/address:[ADDRESS]
    Get star block(s) by wallet address

GET /stars/hash:[HASH]
    Get star block by hash

POST Block Endpoint

1.Validate Request and signature message

Using post method send your wallet Address


Signature your message in your wallet, then use this to validate it.


2 Post a new Star

Post a new block with data payload option to add data to the block body. The block body should support a string of text. The response for the endpoint should provide block object in JSON format.

Example POST response For URL: http://localhost:8000/block

	"dec":"-48º 25' 30.0",
	"ra":"15h 49m 6.0s ",
	"story":"Scorpius Constellation - found using"

Test Image 1

GET Block Endpoint - Getting the blocks by height, hash or address

Configure a GET request using URL path with a block height parameter. The response for the endpoint should provide block object is JSON format.

1 Get Block by Height

URL http://localhost:8000/block/[blockheight]

Example URL path: http://localhost:8000/block/0, where '0' is the block height.

Response The response for the endpoint should provide block object is JSON format.

Example GET Response For URL, http://localhost:8000/block/4

    "hash": "cedf417ad2725aa1dcd50d2cea8a37e9b81edd8f05c8a6c2f75c3fe529a23d41",
    "height": 4,
    "body": {
        "address": "1BkeGFPUC6Ek7xUN6cNFfsfCKMJaWgf7c2",
        "star": {
            "dec": "-48º 25' 30.0",
            "ra": "15h 49m 6.0s ",
            "story": "53636f727069757320436f6e7374656c6c6174696f6e202d20666f756e64207573696e67207777772e676f6f676c652e636f6d2f736b79"
    "time": "1545603451",
    "previousBlockHash": "3fa277e4c194ab0b49fbd125e04351974e70b8285af96340dbed640a1579aa97"

2 Get block by Address


Resṕonse - all the blocks for that Address

        "hash": "cedf417ad2725aa1dcd50d2cea8a37e9b81edd8f05c8a6c2f75c3fe529a23d41",
        "height": 4,
        "body": {
            "address": "1BkeGFPUC6Ek7xUN6cNFfsfCKMJaWgf7c2",
            "star": {
                "dec": "-48º 25' 30.0",
                "ra": "15h 49m 6.0s ",
                "story": "53636f727069757320436f6e7374656c6c6174696f6e202d20666f756e64207573696e67207777772e676f6f676c652e636f6d2f736b79",
                "storyDecoded": "Scorpius Constellation - found using"
        "time": "1545603451",
        "previousBlockHash": "3fa277e4c194ab0b49fbd125e04351974e70b8285af96340dbed640a1579aa97"

3 Get block by Hash


Will return the block who contains that hash

    "hash": "cedf417ad2725aa1dcd50d2cea8a37e9b81edd8f05c8a6c2f75c3fe529a23d41",
    "height": 4,
    "body": {
        "address": "1BkeGFPUC6Ek7xUN6cNFfsfCKMJaWgf7c2",
        "star": {
            "dec": "-48º 25' 30.0",
            "ra": "15h 49m 6.0s ",
            "story": "53636f727069757320436f6e7374656c6c6174696f6e202d20666f756e64207573696e67207777772e676f6f676c652e636f6d2f736b79",
            "storyDecoded": "Scorpius Constellation - found using"
    "time": "1545603451",
    "previousBlockHash": "3fa277e4c194ab0b49fbd125e04351974e70b8285af96340dbed640a1579aa97"

Built With - Sources I research for this project:



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