aletundo / ngpaas-monitoring-roles-poc

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



This repository is a Proof of Concept (PoC) for the NGPaaS monitoring stack deploy.

Getting started


  • Ansible 2.4.x
  • python 2.7.x

How to execute

This PoC is targeted for Cloud GARR. The infrastructure consists of 4 Debian9 nodes. One of them acts as a bastion and it is available on the public network. A valid ssh config can the following one:

# ngpaas-test
Host ngpaas-test-node-1
    Hostname node.public.ip
    User root
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/ngpaas-test.pem

Host ngpaas-test-node-2
    Hostname node.local.ip
    User root
    ProxyCommand ssh ngpaas-test-node-1 nc %h %p
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/ngpaas-test.pem

Host ngpaas-test-node-3
    Hostname node.local.ip
    User root
    ProxyCommand ssh ngpaas-test-node-1 nc %h %p
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/ngpaas-test.pem

Host ngpaas-test-node-4
    Hostname node.local.ip
    User root
    ProxyCommand ssh ngpaas-test-node-1 nc %h %p
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/ngpaas-test.pem

Since Cloud GARR fresh VMs disallow to connect using root, the init-os playbook has to be executed with the following command:

$ ansible-playbook -i inventory -u debian -b init-vm.yml

The base role will change that behaviour.

Then, the monitoring-example-stack playbook can be executed with the following command:

$ ansible-playbook -i inventory monitoring-example-stack.yml


This project is licensed under the AGPLv3. See the file for details.


License:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0