alessiomaffeis / gpt-slack-bot

GPT powered slack bot for summarizing/acting on messages and threads, written in Elixir

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Elixir GPT Slack Bot

Slackbot written in Elixir or act on the content of slack messages with ChatGPT

Originally written to summarize the content of a slack thread: Invite it to a channel, then mention it (in a thread) and it will generate a summary of what has been said

See "Other fun things you can do" for inspiration



Create a new slack app, go to manifests and paste this manifest:

    "display_information": {
        "name": "Thread Summarizer",
        "description": "Hi, I can summarize threads for you!",
        "background_color": "#1a3891",
        "long_description": "Mention me in a thread, and I will try to give you a concise summary of what has been said. I may not always be correct, but I hope I can help you anyway!\r\n\r\nUsage:\r\n- Invite me to a channel\r\n- In a thread, @Thread Summarizer mention me"
    "features": {
        "bot_user": {
            "display_name": "Thread Summarizer",
            "always_online": true
    "oauth_config": {
        "scopes": {
            "user": [
            "bot": [
    "settings": {
        "event_subscriptions": {
            "bot_events": [
        "interactivity": {
            "is_enabled": true
        "org_deploy_enabled": false,
        "socket_mode_enabled": true,
        "token_rotation_enabled": false

Next, click on "Basic Information", scroll down to "App-Level Tokens". This is your slack_app_token.

Click on "OAuth & Permission", install the app into your workspace, then copy the "Bot User OAuth Token". This is your slack_web_token

runtime.exs is setup to read those from the environment, so set the following env keys:

config :summarizer,
  slack_app_token: System.get_env("SLACK_APP_TOKEN"),
  slack_web_token: System.get_env("SLACK_WEB_TOKEN")

config :ex_openai,
  api_key: System.get_env("OPENAI_API_KEY"),
  organization_key: System.get_env("OPENAI_ORGANIZATION_KEY"),
  http_options: [recv_timeout: 50_000]

In config.exs, you have the option to change the prompt used, or to enable whether to also respond to normal @mentions outside of threads.

That's it!


Start it with mix


  • Tweak the prompt in config.exs
  • To make the bot more random, go into chatgpt.ex and change the temperature setting: temperature: 0.6. A higher temperature is more randomness, a lower temperature is more predictable

Deploy to

Included is a simple fly.toml file that lets you deploy the bot to

  • Change app = "mybot" in fly.toml
  • Run fly launch
  • Set env variables with fly secrets set XXX=YYY

Other fun things you can do

Change the prompt and enable enable_normal_mentions to create a sassy snark chatbot, fun for the whole family



GPT powered slack bot for summarizing/acting on messages and threads, written in Elixir


Language:Elixir 100.0%