aleph1888 / mangopay_edd_plugin_web

EasyDigitalDownloads Mangopay gateway

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MangoPay Wordpress Plugin Web (MWPW)

EasyDigitalDownloads Mangopay gateway.

Mangopay SDKv2 [implementing web payment method].

NOTICE: Although this plugin is coded to be used with EDD and Fundify, it is not recognized or supported by them.

NOTICE: 2018 Better?


Once the plugin is configured, use it as any other EDD payment gateway. Notice that the gateway won't appear on wp-admin|Campaigns|Settings|Gateways|Payment Gateways check box list until it is fully configured.

By design, will use global $edd_options to store site wide admin and wallet. This is because multiple campaigns could be filling the cart and only one redirection to validation card web server is done, so payment will go to 'site wallet' and then distributed to 'campaigns wallets'. This is also designed to implement, in the future, 'all or nothing' compatibility with Crowdfunding plugin. Once you set a WP_user as site admin, initialization procedure will attempt to generate a wallet. Get the id's as:

  • $edd_options['mwpw_mangopay_wallets_owner_id']
  • $edd_options['mwpw_site_admin_wp_id']
  • $edd_options['mwpw_mangopay_site_wallet_id']

Also, notice that every created wallet will be owned by site admin, although every campaign stores its owner and wallet. This is to avoid loosing data on changing campaigns author. However, 'wallet class' constructor is waiting for you to override this.

PayOut will be withdrawed to campaign's author, once wp-admin|Profile|MangoPay User|MangoPay bank account for payout section is filled. See MangoPay fundraisings metabox on campaigns edit page page where you will find a button to order withdraw. This could be easily removed if 'all_or_nothing' featured is implemented. Remember that MangoPay staff will process manually de bank transfer. Once a payout is requested, this section will be blocked until it is commited.

Then, WP_users, and WP_posts objects will be completed with fields as follows:

a) Site admin WP_user:

  • mangopay_id (int) MangoPay\User (legal or natural) id => It will be generated on user Profile|MangoPay User.
  • wallet_id (int) MangoPay\Wallet id => It will be generated on plugin initialization; (see mwpw_init_site() function in mwpw_gateway.php file)

b) Post author WP_user:

  • mangopay_id (int) MangoPay\User (legal or natural) id => It will be generated on user Profile|MangoPay User.
  • bank_id (int) MangoPay\BankAccount id => It will be generated on user Profile|MangoPay User|MangoPay bank account for payout.

c) Campaign type='download' WP_post:

  • wallet_id (int) MangoPay\Wallet id => It will be generated on first payment to wallet; (see mwpw_distribute_funds() function on mwpw_pay class)

Also notice that Wordpress guests are allowed to pay without registration. In this cases, a MangoPay\User will be generated but won't be linked to any WP_user.

As Mangopay SDKv2 doesn't implements deleting MangoPay\User or MangoPay\bankAccounts, every time a WP_user changes 'user type' from natural to legal or viceversa, a new MangoPay id will be generated. Same way, if bank updates.


Set gateway default values on Campaings|Settings|Gateways|Mangopay Gateway Setting:

  • Site Admin => Select a site administrator. You will able to check here, current configured id's. And also current wallet balance. This value should be always 0, but this may increase if any loosed funds have been credited but not distributed to corresponding campaign wallet. An EDD payment note should exists with reported errors during process.
  • Live API User / Live API Key => this is generated by Mangopay client_creation.php. Get info .
  • Temp folder => This is MangopaySDKv2 requested temp folder.
  • Conditions rules image => url where you have uploaded MangoPay logo (MangoPay contract requirement)
  • Conditions & rules => url where you have uploaded MangoPay conditions ((MangoPay contract requirement)


In case you get Unauthorized errors, check MangoPaySDK/types/ (search for public $BaseUrl) to set proper environment. Also, if you have been moving from sandbox, try erasing MangoPay tmp file (you provided a temporal folder for MangoPay to write).


0.3.14159265359 SemVer


Mangopay_edd_plugin_web uses a number of open source projects to work properly:


Calaways EDD gateways bundle.

Docs dev


Some time ago there was a version working on a well-doing fair crowdfunding place. I believe they have moved forwards on crypto. Not sure!

For now, this gateway is working perfectly. But it has several issues that must be solved and present gateway solves them:

Critical features:

  • Only first item in cart is processed.
  • A issue related to user that owns wallets. Here, post (campaign) author owns the wallet. But if for some reason author changes his user type in his profile from Natural to Legal or viceversa, then a new MangoPay id is generated so will loose relation with wallet and then an admin should readjust it by code.

Non-critical features:

Just for beauty features:

  • Code not documented
  • There is some uggly code related to paymentDIRECT (in-site credit card validation) needed to erase. As now it is implementing paymentWEB (redirection credit card validation), this code must be removed just to clean. This is because I used previous gateway version to built the new one.

Then, uploaded gateway fixes all these features except:

Non-critical features:

  • Fundify 'all or nothing' funds retrievement not implemented. So any payment will go directly to campaigns wallet. Still not hooked Fundify trigger, but now gateway is receiving all funds to a site wallet and then distributing it to posts (campaigns) wallets, so, it is only one final step by easily intercepting distribution process.
  • Non English traduction available (need to translate from spanish)

Then, the problem is that this one, has not been tested already. Even not installed.




Not pretty sure if there should be contribution.


EasyDigitalDownloads Mangopay gateway

License:GNU General Public License v2.0


Language:PHP 98.2%Language:JavaScript 1.8%