aleph-im / SmartContract

SmartContract push & invoke mechanism

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Pikcio - Smart Contracts

This project includes Pikcio tools to submit, parse, quote and execute Smart Contracts in Pikcio blockchain.


This project contains a package to handle Smart Contracts, along with CLI endpoints and unit tests.

Understanding the project modules

Each module and subpackage of this project revolves around one of the main steps of the Smart Contract journey.

  • parse package contains tools to extract Smart Contract ABI and to ensure that contract matches Pikcio requirements.
  • compile encapsulates compilation tools and configuration used by Pickio to generate contract bytecode.
  • quotations contains the tools used to generate quotations from a Smart Contract.
  • invoke contains the tools used to execute a Smart Contract in a sandbox. This module currently supports docker only.
  • abi is not executable directly but let translate invocation details from and to bytecode.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


This project is built upon Python 3. There is no other prerequisite or third-party required.


After cloning the repository on your machine, it is encouraged to create a virtual environment using your preferred tool. If you have no preference, you can have a look at virtualenvwrapper, easily installed with:

pip install virtualenvwrapper

Once your environment ready and activated, install the pyton depencies using:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Optionally, if you also want to debug, develop or test the project, use:

pip install -r dev-requirements.txt

Running CLI

The package has several entrypoints, one per executable submodule. Example with the compile one:

python -m pikciosc.compile --help

You should get something like:

usage: [-h] [-o OUTPUT] file

Pikcio Smart Contract Compiling module.

positional arguments:
  file                  source code file to compile

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Path to the compiled script.

In any case, if you are unsure about how to run a submodule try:

python -m pikciosc.<module> --help


parse validates a smart contract and generates its interface. You need to provide the path to the file to parse along with optional output options.

To parse a contract:

python -m pikciosc.parse --indent 4 -o interface.json


compile compiles python script into bytecode, using Pikcio configuration. You need to provide the path to the file to compile along with optional output options.

To compile a contract:

python -m pikciosc.compile -o smart_contract.pyc


quote creates quotations on Smart Contract prior to their submission/execution.

Quote currently offers two services: submit an invoke, each related to a different quotation.

NOTE: To successfully perform a quotation, you need to provide the environment variables that drive the computation.

  • PKC_SC_SUBMIT_CHAR_COST: Required in submit service. Tells the price of a single character of code, once encode to base 64.
  • PKC_SC_EXEC_LINE_COST: Required in invoke service. Tells the price of a single line of executed endpoint.

To get a quotation for a contract submission:

python -m pikciosc.quotations submit

To get a quotation for a contract invocation:

python -m pikciosc.quotations invoke smart_contract.pyc <endpoint>


invoke module lets you execute a contract. This is the most complicated module. It uses docker to execute provided code in a sandbox.

To execute a contract, let's assume you have a directory dist which contains:

  • binaries: a folder where you store compiled contracts
  • interfaces: a folder where you keep ABIs (contracts JSON interfaces)
  • executions: a folder where you keep previous executions of each contract.
python -m pikciosc.invoke.invoke dist/binaries dist/interfaces \
	smart_contract compute_rate -kw amount 0.3 \
	--last_exec_path dist/executions/smart_contract/last_exec.json \
	-i 4 -o dist/executions/smart_contract/new_exec.json

Alternatively, if you don't want to use docker for a test, you can use:

python -m pikciosc.invoke.invoke dist/binaries dist/interfaces \
	smart_contract compute_rate -kw amount 0.3 \
	-le dist/executions/smart_contract/last_exec.json \
	-i 4 -o dist/executions/smart_contract/new_exec.json

This will execute the script but without any sandbox.

Running the tests

Tests are run using following command at the root of the project:


All tests are kept under the tests folder at the root of the project.


  • Jorick Lartigau - Development Lead - Pikcio
  • Thibault Drevon - Architecture and implementation - Yellowstones


SmartContract push & invoke mechanism

License:MIT License


Language:Python 99.6%Language:Makefile 0.4%