alen-z / compucorp-civicrm-challenge

Docker - Drupal 7 and CiviCRM

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Compucorp CiviCRM challenge

Docker deployment of Drupal 7 with CiviCRM

Run our site

Please find the demo at:

Quickstart (while in docker-compose.yml directory):

docker-compose up

All pre-configured variables are set in site.env. Please take a look at the file prior to running. If we leave it as-is please refer to the file for Drupal login credentials.

IMPORTANT: If site domain is not reachable NGINX will use port http:80 without Let's Encrypt certificate for SSL on https:443.

Run site with custom site.env settings:
DRUPAL_SITE_NAME=Example title

Quick rundown

Get MySQL database ready (ex. mysql/startup.sql) and provide docker-compose with required parameters. Running application when SITE_DOMAIN is not reachable for certbot (Let's Encrypt), NGINX with basic configuration is deployed on port 80 w/o SSL.

Drupal 7 on Debian

Official apt-get install drupal7 ( uses Apache so we need to configure it manually for NGINX.

  • Drupal user can run all drush commands
  • Drupal private directory path is in user's home with sufficient permissions for Drupal access
  • Not showing any errors in producton
  • An attacker could exploit a missing $base_url setting so it is included in Drupal settings.php
  • Drupal files folder needs to be writable
  • Removed permissions for other users.

Default login:

Username: admin
Password: caLL@!2

IMPORTANT: Clear all cache from Administration panel is needed for Views to work with CiviCRM after first run.


We'll go with php-fpm ( for its additional features. cgi.fix_pathinfo=0 is taken into account ( Memory limit (128M) in php.ini should be fine (,


More modular approach could be used with drush make but drush civicrm-install is cool nonetheless.

SSL (https)

Certificates are managed by certbot which automates Let's Encrypt certificate fetching and renewal. In case of error it stays on nginx/default configuration, http:80. Please use --staging flag in nginx/ if you go out of production certificates.


Master process is started as root but workers are started as www-data as expected so we are good (possible tightening is available Site configuration file is build using best practices for using Drupal, CiviCRM, general security and good SSL Labs score.


Prior to running Docker services it is necessary to automate implementing mysql/startup.sql. This is now done in docker-compose.yml for db service. In production we would want to use database with data mounted outside of the container. Official MySQL Docker hub image is used only for demo purposes.


Some of the possible improvements:

  • Unable to change only NGINX config with Docker commands w/o re-deploying complete application.
  • Automate Amazon S3 backup using three variables: bucket name, access key ID and secret


Amazon S3 bucket is in US East (N. Virginia) to use Drupal Backup and Migrate Amazon S3 feature.

Created compucorp-user-bm user using Amazon IAM console w/o permissions, only with access key. S3 bucket compucorp-s3-bm has policy:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Id": "compucorp-access-backup",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "CompucorpObjectManagement",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::008593290623:user/compucorp-user-bm"
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::compucorp-s3-bm/*"
            "Sid": "CompucorpBucketManagement",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::008593290623:user/compucorp-user-bm"
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::compucorp-s3-bm"


Full site - Restore and backup are completed within ~30s. If S3 bucket size is a problem then CiviCRM database is a priority. Keeping daily backups for a month would take 6GB+ in a bucket.


Docker - Drupal 7 and CiviCRM

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Shell 88.2%Language:Nginx 10.7%Language:PHP 1.1%