alejandroSuch / asciidoctor

Asciidoctor Docker Container. Based on Alpine

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Asciidoctor Docker Container. Based on Alpine

The environment

This Docker container provides:

  • Asciidoctor 1.5.5

  • Asciidoctor PDF 1.5.0.alpha.13

  • Asciidoctor EPUB3 1.5.0.alpha.6

  • Source highlighting using CodeRay or Pygments


Download this repo if you don’t have any project yet:

$ git clone bookname
$ cd bookname

Build HTML version:

docker run -it -w /opt/ -v $(pwd):/opt/ --rm alexsuch/asciidoctor asciidoctor -D output book.adoc

Build PDF version:

docker run -it -w /opt/ -v $(pwd):/opt/ --rm alexsuch/asciidoctor asciidoctor-pdf -D output book.adoc

Build EPUB version:

docker run -it -w /opt/ -v $(pwd):/opt/ --rm alexsuch/asciidoctor asciidoctor-epub3 -D output book.adoc

Build Kindle version:

docker run -it -w /opt/ -v $(pwd):/opt/ --rm alexsuch/asciidoctor asciidoctor-epub3 -a ebook-format=kf8 -D output book.adoc

In all cases, result will be stored in output dir:

$ tree
├── README.adoc
├── book-sample.adoc
├── book.adoc
├── chapters
│   └── cjk.adoc
├── images
│   ├── cover.png
│   └── cover.svg
└── output
    ├── book-kf8.epub
    ├── book.epub
    ├── book.html
    └── book.pdf


Asciidoctor Docker Container. Based on Alpine