alecnmk / remacs

that's basic emacs.. plus rinari, rspec-mode, git-emacs, mo-git-blame, gist.el, cucumber.el, haml-mode, sass-mode, yaml-mode, auto-complete-mode (no rsense), yasnippet with rails-snippets, rspec-snippets, ... and dark color theme + Inconsolata font that I'm using for ages :)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

  1. How to install/configure #

First of all you’ll need last emacs. In case you’re on Ubuntu, you’re able to get it from (Remove any Emacses you have installed before installing .deb ‘emacs23’)

Make sure you’ve installed .deb packages:
1. emacs-goodies-el
2. emacs23-el
3. exuberant-ctags (optional, unless you want to use TAGS for quick navigation)
4. ispell (optional, unless you want spell checking)

1. Clone the repo to the ‘~/.emacs.d’
2. `cd ~/.emacs.d`
3. `git submodule update —init`
4. install nxhtml mode like described here: to ~/.emacs.d/plugins/nxhtml
4. run emacs
5. enjoy or contact me if anything wrong


that's basic emacs.. plus rinari, rspec-mode, git-emacs, mo-git-blame, gist.el, cucumber.el, haml-mode, sass-mode, yaml-mode, auto-complete-mode (no rsense), yasnippet with rails-snippets, rspec-snippets, ... and dark color theme + Inconsolata font that I'm using for ages :)


Language:Emacs Lisp 100.0%