alecjacobson / tinyremo

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🥁 TinyReMo 🥁

Tiny header-only, minimal dependency reverse-mode automatic differentiation library for C++.

Based on the tape-based rust implementation in the tutorial at

Compile and Run Tests

clang++ -std=c++20 -I . -I [path/to/eigen] -I -o test test.cpp

Gradient of a function of scalar variables

Variables for which derivatives are required must be registered with a common Tape.

#include "tinyremo.h"
int main()
  using namespace tinyremo;

  Tape<double> tape;

  Var<double> x(&tape, tape.push_scalar(), 0.5);
  Var<double> y(&tape, tape.push_scalar(), 4.2);

  Var<double> z = x * y + sin(x) + pow(x, y) + log(y) + exp(x) + cos(y);

  std::cout << "z = " << z.getValue() << std::endl;

  auto grads = z.grad();
  std::cout << "∂z/∂x = " << grads[x.getIndex()] << std::endl;
  std::cout << "∂z/∂y = " << grads[y.getIndex()] << std::endl;

As a custom scalar type for Eigen matrices

Tape<Scalar> tape;
Eigen::Matrix<Var<Scalar>, N, 1> x;
// x has unregistered entries. Initialize them and put on tape
for (int i = 0; i < x.rows(); ++i) 
  x(i) = Var<Scalar>(&tape, tape.push_scalar(), i+1);

Higher-order derivatives

For each derivative we wish to take we must create a new Tape.

Tape< double > inner_tape;
Tape< Var<double> > outer_tape;

// Inner variable
Var<double> x_inner(&inner_tape, inner_tape.push_scalar(), 0.5);
// Outer variable (we'll actually use this one)
Var<Var<double>> x(&outer_tape, outer_tape.push_scalar(), x_inner);
// Construct outer variable in one line
Var<Var<double>> y(&outer_tape, outer_tape.push_scalar(), {&inner_tape, inner_tape.push_scalar(), 4.2});

auto z = x * y + sin(x) + pow(x, y) + log(y) + exp(x) + cos(y);

// First derivatives
auto dzd = z.grad();
printf("z = %g\n", z.getValue().getValue());
Var<double> dzdx = dzd[x.getIndex()];
printf("∂z/∂x = %g\n", dzdx.getValue());
Var<double> dzdy = dzd[y.getIndex()];
printf("∂z/∂y = %g\n", dzdy.getValue());

// Second derivatives
auto d2zdxd = dzdx.grad();
printf("∂²z/∂x² = %g\n", d2zdxd[x.getValue().getIndex()]);
printf("∂²z/∂x∂y = %g\n", d2zdxd[y.getValue().getIndex()]);
auto d2zdyd = dzdy.grad();
printf("∂²z/∂y∂x = %g\n", d2zdyd[x.getValue().getIndex()]);
printf("∂²z/∂y² = %g\n", d2zdyd[y.getValue().getIndex()]);

Easier construction of recorded variables

Call record_scalar to record a value on a bunch of tapes (in order) to create appropriately nested Var object in one line. In this case, x will be a twice-differentiable Var<Var<double>>.

Tape<double> tape_1;
Tape<Var<double>> tape_2;
auto x = record_scalar(0.5,tape_1,tape_2);

Similarly, for Eigen matrices, record_matrix will copy double values from a matrix and record them on a bunch of tapes in order to create a matrix of Var objects. In this case, Y will be a twice-differentiable Eigen::Matrix<Var<Var<double>>,Eigen::Dynamic,Eigen::Dynamic>.

Eigen::MatrixXd X = Eigen::MatrixXd::Random(3, 3);
Tape<double> tape_1;
Tape<Var<double>> tape_2;
auto Y = record_matrix(X,tape_1,tape_2);

Gradients with respect to Eigen matrices as Eigen matrices

For a once-differentiable Var<double> object f, f.grad() will return a std::vector<double> of the gradient of f with respect to everything on the tape, including auxiliary variables. If f is a function of some Eigen::Matrix types then we can call gradient to get the gradient of f in appropriately sized matrices.

Tape<double> tape;
Eigen::MatrixXd X1 = Eigen::MatrixXd::Random(3, 3);
Eigen::MatrixXd X2 = Eigen::MatrixXd::Random(3, 3);
auto Y1 = record_matrix(X1,tape);
auto Y2 = record_matrix(X2,tape);
auto f = Y1.array().sin().sum() * Y2.array().cos().sum();
auto [dfdY1, dfdY2] = gradient(f, Y1, Y2);

Hessian with respect to Eigen matrices

For a twice-differentiable scalar Var<double> object f, hessian will populate a Eigen::Matrix<double,…> with the Hessian of f. The rows and columns will correspond to second partial derivatives with respect to pairs of elements of the matrices provided as input in their respective storage orders (Eigen::RowMajor or Eigen::ColMajor). The output matrix will be Eigen::ColMajor unless all inputs are Eigen::RowMajor. The output matrix will have Eigen::Dynamic rows and cols, unless all inputs have fixed sizes.

Tape<double> tape;
Tape<Var<double>> tape_2;
Eigen::MatrixXd X1 = Eigen::MatrixXd::Random(3, 3);
Eigen::MatrixXd X2 = Eigen::MatrixXd::Random(3, 3);
auto Y1 = record_matrix(X1,tape_1,tape_2);
auto Y2 = record_matrix(X2,tape_1,tape_2);
auto f = Y1.array().sin().sum() * Y2.array().cos().sum();
auto H = gradient(f, Y1, Y2);

Sparse Jacobian as Eigen::SparseMatrix

For a once-differentiable vector of Var<double> objects F, sparse_jacobian will populate a Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> with the Jacobian of F. The rows correspond to the elements of F and the columns correspond to the elements of the matrices provided as input in their respective storage orders (Eigen::RowMajor or Eigen::ColMajor).

Tape<double> tape;
Eigen::MatrixXd X1 = Eigen::MatrixXd::Random(3, 3);
Eigen::MatrixXd X2 = Eigen::MatrixXd::Random(3, 3);
auto Y1 = record_matrix(X1,tape);
auto Y2 = record_matrix(X2,tape);
// expression involving colwise sum resulting in a column matrix
auto F = (Y1.array().sin().colwise().sum() * Y2.array().cos().colwise().sum()).matrix();
auto J = sparse_jacobian(F, Y1, Y2);

Sparse Hessian as Eigen::SparseMatrix

Similarly, for a twice-differentiable Var<Var<double>> object f, sparse_hessian will populate a Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> with the Hessian of f. The rows and columns correspond to the elements of f to the elements of input matrices in their respective storage orders (Eigen::RowMajor or Eigen::ColMajor).

Tape<double> tape_1;
Tape<Var<double>> tape_2;
auto Y1 = record_matrix(X1,tape);
auto Y2 = record_matrix(X2,tape);
auto f = Y1.array().sin().sum() * Y2.array().cos().sum();
auto H = sparse_hessian(f, Y1, Y2);



Language:C++ 100.0%