alec-kr / FitHub

A simple mobile workout application built with React

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


FitHub is a simple mobile workout application built with React. It contains various types of workouts, and illustrates the steps to perform each exercise.

The app also tracks the user's workout stats, such as time spent exercising and estimated calories burned.

Expo Snack URL

The project has been published as a snack on Expo here.


Install Node.js

Refer to to install nodejs

Install Expo

This application was built with Expo. Before installing, you must ensure you have Node Package Manager (npm) installed.

In your terminal/command prompt, type:

$ npm install -g expo-cli

Install packages

After installing Expo and Node.js, you must install the application's dependencies.

Enter the following in your command line:

$ cd <project-directory>
$ npm install

Running the App

Once these steps are complete, you can run the app by typing the following in the command line:

$ npm start


$ expo start


A simple mobile workout application built with React