aldras / TinyGSM_nrf9160_firmware

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

In order to use this source code install nRF Connect and then install the "Toolcahin Manager"
From the "Toolchain Manager" install v1.4.99-dev1, this should create a folder structure 
in the following location, if you are on MacOS, not sure about other platforms...

You need to use the "Toolchain Manager" to enter the command prompt with the correct
environment settings.  This is from the drop down arrow next to the v1.4.99-dev1.
Drop down the menu and choose "Open Terminal" to enter the build environment.

Place the folders in this zip file in the following folder...

Use these commands to build the application...

cd /opt/nordic/ncs/v1.4.99-dev1/nrf/applications/serial_lte_modem_actinius_icarus_115200
west build -b actinius_icarus_ns -p

cd /opt/nordic/ncs/v1.4.99-dev1/nrf/applications/serial_lte_modem_actinius_icarus_921600
west build -b actinius_icarus_ns -p

cd /opt/nordic/ncs/v1.4.99-dev1/nrf/applications/serial_lte_modem_circuitdojo_feather_nrf9160_115200
west build -b circuitdojo_feather_nrf9160ns -p

cd /opt/nordic/ncs/v1.4.99-dev1/nrf/applications/serial_lte_modem_circuitdojo_feather_nrf9160_921600
west build -b circuitdojo_feather_nrf9160ns -p

cd /opt/nordic/ncs/v1.4.99-dev1/nrf/applications/serial_lte_modem_nrf9160dk_115200
west build -b nrf9160dk_nrf9160ns -p
*** DON'T FORGET to change the nRF52/nRF91 switch to nRF91 to program the nRF9160

cd /opt/nordic/ncs/v1.4.99-dev1/nrf/applications/serial_lte_modem_nrf9160dk_921600
west build -b nrf9160dk_nrf9160ns -p
*** DON'T FORGET to change the nRF52/nRF91 switch to nRF91 to program the nRF9160

*** if the nRF9160 baseband needs updating, follow directions in the baseband folder

to program the board controller for the nRF9160DK (the nRF52840)
*** DON'T FORGET to change the nRF52/nRF91 switch to nRF52 to program the nRF52840
nrfjprog -f NRF52 --program nRF9160_DK_board_controller_FW.hex --sectorerase

to program, change to the correct folder above and use this command if using nrfjprog
nrfjprog -f NRF91 --program build/zephyr/merged.hex --sectorerase



Language:C 83.8%Language:CMake 11.1%Language:C++ 2.5%Language:Batchfile 1.8%Language:Python 0.7%Language:Makefile 0.1%