aldelar / az-func-docker

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This repo demonstrates how to create a python Azure Function leveraging a runtime environment based on a custom docker container.

The function itself also connects to an Azure ML workspace Model registry to download at runtime an ML model and offer a scoring function as a web service. A Service Principal is used to establish the authentication to Azure ML as a Reader role.

This setup enables full control of the runtime environment and therefore the deployment of any type of ML model to Azure Functions as a PaaS ML endpoint.

The conda.yaml file is basically taken almost as is from the Azure ML service output directory of an Auto ML run.

Setup Code

Create Function code locally

func init az-func-docker --worker-runtime python --docker func new --name score --template "HTTP trigger"

Create Azure resources for deployment & deploy function

Resource Group

az group create -n az-func-docker --location westus2

Container Registry

az acr create -n azfuncdocker -g az-func-docker --sku Basic --admin-enabled true

Storage Account

az storage account create -n azfuncdocker -g az-func-docker --location westus2 --sku Standard_LRS

App Service Plan

az functionapp plan create -n azfuncdocker -g az-func-docker --location westus2 --number-of-workers 1 --sku P1V2 --is-linux

Azure Function

az functionapp create -n azfuncdocker -g az-func-docker --storage-account azfuncdocker --plan azfuncdocker --deployment-container-image-name --functions-version 3

Enable Continuous deployment & Return CI_CD_URL

az functionapp deployment container config -n azfuncdocker -g az-func-docker --enable-cd --query CI_CD_URL --output tsv

Copy the CI_CD_URL and set a new webhook in your Azure Container Registry (type 'Push')

Enable Kudu/SSH connection to the container

Update the Dockerfile to use the '-appservice' version of the base image

Go to this URL to access the KUDU environment:

Azure ML Connectivity

Create an app registration called 'azfuncdocker' from the Azure Active Directory resource

Create a Secret named 'azfuncdocker' in this app using the Active Directory resource pane.

Copy the secret value before leaving the control pane. Save the value under "SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_PASSWORD" in local.settings.json

Copy the Tenant ID from the app overview pane into 'TENANT_ID' in local.settings.json

Copy the Application ID from the app overview pane into 'SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_ID' in local.settings.json

Setup your 'SUBSCRIPTION_ID' in the settings file.

Setup your Azure ML Workspace name and resource group under the 'AML_WORKSPACE_NAME' and 'AML_RESOURCE_GROUP' settings.

Azure ML Workspace connectivity

Go to your Azure ML Workspace control pane in the Azure portal, and click on 'Access Control', then 'Add a role assignment':

Role: Reader Select: azfuncdocker

Click Save. This provides the service principal the Reader role to your workspace so we can access the AML Model registry.

Replicate the local.settings.json configuration in the Azure Function

Go to the Azure portal and open up the Azure Function. Click on 'Configuration' and then create a new 'Application Setting' for each setting item created in the steps above. This should represent 6 new settings.

Click 'Save'.

NOTE: see 'local.settings.template.json' as a reference file. Your local.settings.json should look like this with filled in values for all the parameters defined coming from your Azure environment.

Build and Test

Login Docker desktop to your registry

docker login

You can find the username and password in the Azure portal registry panel, under 'Access Keys'.

Build the docker image

make build

Push the image to the Azure Registry, which will trigger a reboot of the Azure function against the new image

make push

Test the image locally: Azure Function runtime

func start

Test the image locally: Docker Desktop

make run-docker-local



Language:Python 64.6%Language:Dockerfile 20.7%Language:Makefile 14.7%