README for This distribution is built from the master branch by mvn [clean] install (Output written to dist/target) Issue reporting --- Bugs and issues can be reported via the github Issues facility. Or email rhu1234 [at] excluding the 1234. Scribble distribution zip contents: --- - lib jars needed to run the scribble-java tool - script for running the command line tool Command line usage: --- > List command line options. ./ --help > Check well-formedness of global protocols in, e.g., Test.scr. ./ Test.scr Notes: - Use the -oldwf command line flag to use the simpler syntactic protocol well-formedness from the previous version of Scribble. - Use the -V command line flag to obtain full traces for errors according to the new protocol validation (and other details). > Project local protocol for role "C" of protocol "Proto" in Test.scr ./ Test.scr -project Proto C > Print dot representation of Endpoint FSM for role "C" of protocol "Proto" in Test.scr ./ Test.scr -fsm Proto C > Generate Java Endpoint API for role "C" of protocol "Proto" in Test.scr ./ -d . Test.scr -api Proto C Examples: --- > To make an HelloWorld test: echo 'module Test; global protocol Proto(role C, role S) { Hello() from C to S; }' > Test.scr Further examples can be found in: The distribution zip does not include these examples. They can be obtained as part of the source repository, or separately via the above link. > E.g. To generate the Java Endpoint API for role "C" of the "Adder" protocol from ./ -d modules/demos/scrib/fase16/src modules/demos/scrib/fase16/src/fase16/adder/Adder.scr -api Adder C Alternative command line usage: --- To run the Scribble tool directly via java: try with the --verbose flag to see the underlying java command with main class, classpath and other args. Or try (from Nick Ng): $ mvn dependency:build-classpath -Dmdep.outputFile=classpath $ java -cp $(cat dist/classpath) org.scribble.cli.CommandLine [args] MyModule.scr