albttx / networks

Genesis configurations and management scripts for Galactica networks

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Galactica Networks

This repository hosts the genesis configurations for the Galactica networks.

For detailed guidance on setting up and running a Galactica network node, please visit the Galactica repository.

Networks Overview

Name Chain ID Environment Configs
galactica-testnet-v1 galactica_9301-1 testnet galactica_9301-1

Cloning the networks repository

To clone the networks repository, run:

git clone
cd networks

Using the Scripts

The scripts in the scripts directory simplify the setup and management of your Galactica Network node. Here's a quick guide:


  • Install jq for JSON processing.
  • Set GALACTICA_HOME to your node's home directory, e.g., export GALACTICA_HOME=~/.galactica.
  • Set NETWORK_PATH to your network configuration directory, e.g., export NETWORK_PATH=./network/testnet/galactica_9301-1.
  • Set KEYRING_BACKEND to your keyring backend, e.g., export KEYRING_BACKEND=test. You can use various keyring backends such as os, file, test, kwallet, pass, etc. To read more about keyring backends, visit Evmos documentation
  • Ensure the galacticad command-line tool is installed and accessible.
export GALACTICA_HOME=~/.galactica
export CHAIN_ID=galactica_9301-1
export NETWORK_PATH=./network/testnet/$CHAIN_ID

Scripts Overview

  • Creates a new private key for node security and transactions.


    Enter a key name when prompted. If the key exists, it will be displayed; otherwise, a new key is created.

  • Initializes the node's home directory with necessary configuration files. You can specify a custom home directory with the GALACTICA_HOME environment variable. This environment variable uses in all scripts.


    Enter a moniker and seed passphrase when prompted. The script will create a new home directory with provided moniker and private key.

  • Generates a new genesis transaction (gentx) for registering your validator node.


    Follow the prompts to input staking amount, validator node IP, and P2P port, etc. The script will generate a new gentx file in the ./network/testnet/galactica_9301-1/gentx directory.

  • Updates the node's home directory with the latest configuration files.

  • Displays the node's private key.


    The script will display the public addresses in different formats and the private key if prompted.

  • Imports a mnemonic phrase into the keyring.


    Enter a mnemonic phrase when prompted. The script will import the mnemonic phrase into the keyring.

Final Steps

After generating your gentx, submit it as public pull request to the Galactica networks repository. Ensure all information is accurate before proceeding.

Alternative way to use the galacticad command-line tool

The galacticad command-line tool can be called directly without using the scripts.


Please ensure the following environment variables are set:

export MONIKER="my-node"
export GALACTICA_HOME=~/.galactica
export CHAIN_ID=galactica_9301-1
export NETWORK_PATH=./network/testnet/$CHAIN_ID

Key Management

Galactica uses the keyring to manage keys. The keyring is a secure storage for keys and supports various backends such as os, file, test, kwallet, pass, etc. To read more about keyring backends, visit Evmos documentation.

You can use the galacticad keys command to manage keys. Here are some examples:

Create a new key

Generate a new private key for node security and transactions.

galacticad keys add $MONIKER \
  --home $GALACTICA_HOME \
  --keyring-dir $GALACTICA_HOME \
  --keyring-backend $KEYRING_BACKEND \
  --algo eth_secp256k1

On this step, you will be prompted to enter a passphrase to encrypt the key. Write down the mnemonic phrase and keep it safe. It is the only way to recover your key.

Show the key

Address and public key can be displayed using the following command:

galacticad keys show $MONIKER \
  --home $GALACTICA_HOME \
  --keyring-dir $GALACTICA_HOME \
  --keyring-backend $KEYRING_BACKEND

Import a mnemonic phrase

Import a mnemonic phrase into the keyring. You can add --recover flag to recover the key from the mnemonic phrase.

galacticad keys add $MONIKER \
  --home $GALACTICA_HOME \
  --keyring-dir $GALACTICA_HOME \
  --keyring-backend $KEYRING_BACKEND \

Home Directory Management


For the following commands, ensure the following environment variables are set:

export CHAIN_ID=galactica_9301-1
export NETWORK_PATH=./network/testnet/$CHAIN_ID
export BASE_DENOM=agnet

Initialize the home directory

Initialize the node's home directory with necessary configuration files.

galacticad init $MONIKER --recover \
  --home "$GALACTICA_HOME" \
  --chain-id $CHAIN_ID \
  --default-denom $BASE_DENOM \
  --keyring-backend $KEYRING_BACKEND

Copy the network configuration files

Copy the network configuration files to the home directory.

cp -r "$NETWORK_PATH"/{app.toml,client.toml,config.toml,genesis.json,gentx} "$GALACTICA_HOME/config/"

if [[ "$OS" == "Darwin" ]]; then
    sed -i '' 's/moniker = "validator"/moniker = "'$MONIKER'"/g'  "$GALACTICA_HOME/config/config.toml"
    sed -i 's/moniker = "validator"/moniker = "'$MONIKER'"/g'  "$GALACTICA_HOME/config/config.toml"

Genesis Transaction (Gentx)

First, set the staking amount:

1000000000000000000agnet === 1 GNET === 10^18 agnet

100000000000000000000agnet is 100 GNET === 10^20 agnet

export STAKE_AMOUNT=100000000000000000000agnet

Then ensure that MY_ADDRESS is set to your node's address:

export MY_ADDRESS=$(galacticad keys show $MONIKER -a --keyring-dir $GALACTICA_HOME --keyring-backend $KEYRING_BACKEND)

Before creating the gentx, ensure that you add your address to the genesis accounts:

galacticad add-genesis-account \
  --home "$GALACTICA_HOME"

Configure the gentx parameters by running the following commands:

details="Your details"
security_contact="Your security contact"
website="Your website"
identity="Your identity"

Now, create the gentx:

galacticad gentx \
    $MONIKER \
    --amount $STAKE_AMOUNT \
    --ip $ip \
    --p2p-port $p2p_port \
    --commission-max-change-rate $commission_max_change_rate \
    --commission-max-rate $commission_max_rate \
    --commission-rate $commission_rate \
    --details "$details" \
    --security-contact "$security_contact" \
    --website "$website" \
    --identity "$identity" \
    --keyring-dir $GALACTICA_HOME \
    --keyring-backend $KEYRING_BACKEND \
    --chain-id $CHAIN_ID \
    --home $GALACTICA_HOME

Copy the gentx file to the network configuration directory to submit it as a public pull request to the Galactica networks repository.

cp "$(ls -t $GALACTICA_HOME/config/gentx/ | head -n1)" "$NETWORK_PATH/gentx/"

Submitting the Gentx

After generating your gentx, submit it as public pull request to the Galactica networks repository. Ensure all information is accurate before proceeding.

Follow example of how to submit a gentx to the Galactica networks repository:

  • Fork the Galactica networks repository.

  • Clone the forked repository to your local machine.

  • Create a new branch and switch to it:

    git checkout -b gentx-<your-moniker>
  • Add the gentx file to the repository:

    git add $NETWORK_PATH/gentx/<gentx-file>
  • Commit the changes:

    git commit -m "gentx: <your-moniker>"
  • Push the changes to the repository:

    git push origin gentx-<your-moniker>
  • Create a pull request on the Galactica networks repository.

    • Visit the Galactica networks repository.
    • Click on the "Pull requests" tab.
    • Click on the "New pull request" button.
    • Select the branch you just pushed and click "Create pull request".
    • Fill in the details and click "Create pull request".


Genesis configurations and management scripts for Galactica networks

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Shell 100.0%