alberts / redis-proxy

A Simple Redis Proxy

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Redis Proxy

Architecture Overview
This is a Redis proxy that supports multiple concurrent requests for fetching existing key-value
pairs in the backing Redis store. It is currently capable of handling one single type of Redis
operation, GET. As specified in the requirements, it cached the values of GET operations in a local,
in-memory LRU cache with a global expiry configured at startup time.

This proxy listens on port 7379, and uses 5 worker threads to processing incoming requests concurrently.

Implementation Details
The implementation of this proxy does not use any third-party libraries offered outside of the Java JDK.
Several common libraries could greatly benefit the development of this proxy, such as Guava or Caffeine
for caching, and Jedis for Redis protocol, but for the purpose of this exercise they are not used.

There are 4 main classes:

RedisParser: implementataion of a subset of RESP. It is capable to read the incoming RESP message from
an input stream, and parse GET commands.

RedisClient: a simple, thread-safe client for talking to RESP services over TCP.

LRULoadingCache: an in-memory LRU cache. Once the cache fills up and a new value needs to be added, the
least recently used key will be evicted from cache. It has a background thread that scans all cached
values every second, and evicts all keys that have expired.

RedisProxy: The main class that integrates all pieces together, and creates a web service that listens
on port 6379.

To run this proxy (requires Java 8):
    ./gradlew jar
    java -jar ./build/libs/redis-proxy.jar [redisHost] [capacity] [expiryInMs]

To run end-to-end tests:
    make test

Requirements Omitted
All basic and bonus requirements are implemented. More Redis read commands could be implemented and supported
by this proxy, but due to the time limit I haven't been able to add them.

Time Taken
I took a total about 6 hours to finish this exercise, and the detailed breakdown is:

Read instructions, think about high-level architecture: 30 mins
Initial development environment setup, such as Gradle and Docker: 30 mins
Implement subset of RESP + test: 1 hour
Implement Redis client + test: 1 hour
Implement LRU cache + test: 1.5 hours
End-to-end test, and debug: 1.5 hours

Main reason that it took longer than expected is because while I'm familiar with the concepts, I haven't done
low-level system programming for a while (socket programming, network protocol parser, cache implementation).


A Simple Redis Proxy


Language:Java 99.4%Language:Makefile 0.6%