albertovpd / set_up_conda-example

Because upgrading / setting up a new computer is tiring and boring. Just run your scripts and don't waste your time.

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Automating setups

There are 2 scripts:

  • just executes the commands to install the programs.
  • creates a conda environment with the wanted python version and libraries.

Install Miniconda and wanted libraries in windows/linux.

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For windows:

This repository is meant to create your Conda virtual environment with the packages you need. If you have already everything installed to run Conda, VScode and WSL, just navigate to ths folder:

bash <name_for_the_environment> <python_version_like_3.8.2> 

If not, configurations have to be made.

WSL and VSCode

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wsl –install


  • Run as administrator
wsl.exe --update
wsl –shutdown (it forces reboot)
dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux /all /norestart
dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:VirtualMachinePlatform /all /norestart

Preparing Conda (virtual environment)

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sudo apt-get update

If you can't run it, do the following:

  • Install this conda distribution

Configure some .conda scripts:

  • Create wsl.conf
Cd /etc
Sudo touch wsl.conf
Sudo nano wsl.conf
  • Write inside the following:
generateResolvConf = false
  • Create resolv.conf
sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf
  • Overwrite the inside with
  • block that file
sudo chattr -f +i /etc/resolv.conf
  • Restart wsl with wsl --shutdown
  • Wait for a few seconds (15-30) as WSL takes some time to restart. Then, for running it again, just run: wsl
  • Activate Conda
Sudo apt-get update
Conda activate
  • Add the conda-forge source
conda config --add channels conda-forge

Clone the respository.

Disclaimer: if you can't maybe is that you need writing permissions on that folder. That can be changed as follows:

  • Navigate above the folder in which you want to clone the repo. In the terminal:

(you should see the folder)

Chown –R <linux_user>:<linux_user data_folder/>

Creating a Conda Environment with a wanted name.

For Linux, just install the lastest MiniConda version from the official website. For Windows, follow the required steps above. Once done:

  • Navigate to this folder and activate Conda base:
conda activate
bash <name_for_the_environment> <python_version_like_3.8.2> 
  • Follow the instructions

Configuring the installed libraries.

  • Check available environments: conda env list
  • Activate environment
conda activate <nameofyourenv>

About me:

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Because upgrading / setting up a new computer is tiring and boring. Just run your scripts and don't waste your time.


Language:Shell 100.0%