albertovpd / ata_inferences

Flask API serving a trained ML model to perform inferences over the input Json.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

API using a trained model for ML inferences.

This Fask API receives and delivers a json to infer the Actual Time of Arrival of a flight once it reaches the Flight Information Region of our destination airport.

This project, consisted of:

  • Studying the domain knowledge of commercial/private flights.
  • A lot of processing with Pandas.
    • Ingest several parquet tables.
    • Many joins.
    • Datetime pains: Transforming str to datetime and numerical, undoing the processes at the end.
    • Categorical features to numerical with 1-hot encoding, undoing it.
  • Creating a ML model.
  • Exporting it to use in an API (in json_folder there is an example of how using this API, once it is running).

I am not allowed to publish the used data, so unfortunately I can not describe the data processing section with a Jupyter or similar.


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  • src:

    •* starts the API. It uses the script.
    • was meant to be the main script, but it was recycled as function to be used by this API.
    • requirements.txt
  • output:

    • The trained model and standarization weights for the test set.
  • json_folder:

    • Example of how using the API through terminal.
    • The template. Input data will be transformed to match that json (transforming categorical features to numerical with 1-hot enc).

Input data.

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This scripts receives a json of meteorological and scheduled parameters and delivers the ATA.

  • It has to be initiated when the flight reaches the airport FIR space.

  • At that time, meteorological parameters will be included in the json (in the Jupyter, there is the process of how using merge_asof to associate the entry FIR time with the given meteorologial conditions, updated every 30 minutes).

  • The input json must be included in the API call (explained later) with at least, the following parameters and one of the available options:

    • requested_fl float64
    • adep_latitude float64
    • adep_longitude float64
    • icao_flight_type: {'N', 'S'}
    • market_segment: {'Charter', 'Lowcost', 'All-Cargo', 'Business Aviation', 'Traditional Scheduled'}
    • airTemp_C float64
    • dewPoint_C float64
    • relativeHumidity_pct float64
    • windDirection_deg float64
    • windSpeed_kts float64
    • altimeter_hPa float64
    • visibility_m float64
    • skyc1_okt: {'NSC', 'unknown', 'OVC', 'FEW', 'NCD', 'VV ', 'SCT', 'BKN'}
  • filed_arrival_time & actual_entry_time datetime64[ns] => Currently not used due to overfitting problems, but there is a function to transform the str json into int64 and work with it. It was the goal from the beginning.

How to use.

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  • Download it and navigate to the folder.

  • To initiate the API:

      python3 src/
  • Open another terminal and execute a command with the required json params. In json_folder/server_order.txt is available this one:

      curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET -d '{"requested_fl":424.2,"airTemp_C":4.2,"adep_latitude":42.4242,"adep_longitude":-42.4242,"dewPoint_C":4.42,"relativeHumidity_pct":4.4242,"actual_entry_time":"2021-05-11 00:04:02","filed_arrival_time":"2021-05-11 04:42:42","icao_flight_type":"N","market_segment":"Traditional Scheduled","station":"EGLL","windDirection_deg":424.2,"windSpeed_kts":42.0,"altimeter_hPa":4422.42,"visibility_m":424242.42,"skyc1_okt":"SCT","feel_C":7}'  

To sum up:

    GET instructions + 'json' + port.


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  • Delivering a project with short deadline and no domain knowledge.
  • Reinforcing Pandas practices.
  • Real case of using pickle to save trained models.
  • Learned Flask basics.
  • Built the pipeline.
  • The API is running.
  • It infers the ATA when an aircraft enters the wanted FIR.

To improve.

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  • 60% of time was employed on analyzing dataframes and looking for info on the internet regarding their nomenclature and nature.

  • 5-10% was used to analyse a possible ML model. A minimal change of columns resulted in overfitting. Running out of time, I could not find a better approach to feature selection.

  • Rest: Flask and refactoring from the Jupyter Notebook.

  • More detours than expected working with datetimes. It was a sink of time and at the end, I chose as input data a json, which only works with str, int and float, so a great part of my datetime work was useless. Regarding this, a more efficient way needs to be implemented.

  • Regression: Is not good.

    • Not enough time to make it as good as it should be.
    • More problems with datetimes columns. After solving them, using this beloved features the result was always overfitting, so I had to discard them in order to deliver a solution in time.
    • Feature selection not good enough. Lack of time.
  • The whole project is based on the following:

    In dataframes, columns with suffix actual means what really happened, once the flight arrived, and filed means what was scheduled to happen.

    Nevertheless I assume that when an aircraft enters the FIR, I can request actual columns. They reach the FIR, we are noticed, so we can use the real entry time as target.


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Being my first project flights-related, I made a lot of detours, way more than I wanted. Nevertheless I have to admit I felt this days passionate about having in front of me a challenge understandable enough to work on it and hard enough to learn a lot in the way, more than expected, and I love that.

The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way.

Marcus Aurelius

For an automated project in Google Cloud Platform, trained and served weekly, here's the link:



Flask API serving a trained ML model to perform inferences over the input Json.


Language:Python 100.0%