albertferriz / CodeReviewTest

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This test is based on the exercise from this repository:

Steps for creating the test

All steps can be done directly from GitHub, but you can also do it cloning the repository in your local.

  1. Select branch feature/basket-informations.
  2. Edit the file candidateName.txt with your name and create a new branch.
  3. Create a PR from this new branch to master and put your name in the title.
  4. Start a review with the comments you think need to be added.


  • There may be other candidates branches with PRs and comments. We cannot force that you don't check them, but we're more interested to see what you write and how you communicate in a CR environment. Part of the CR is done during the next interview with the team.
  • You don't need to point out every mistake if you don't want. We will not check quantity, but which and why.
