albenik / mattermost-rust

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Rust API client for openapi

There is also a work-in-progress Postman API reference.


This API client was generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. By using the openapi-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.

  • API version: 4.0.0
  • Package version: 4.0.0
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.RustClientCodegen


Put the package under your project folder in a directory named openapi and add the following to Cargo.toml under [dependencies]:

openapi = { path = "./openapi" }

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
AuthenticationApi migrate_auth_to_ldap POST /users/migrate_auth/ldap Migrate user accounts authentication type to LDAP.
AuthenticationApi migrate_auth_to_saml POST /users/migrate_auth/saml Migrate user accounts authentication type to SAML.
BleveApi purge_bleve_indexes POST /bleve/purge_indexes Purge all Bleve indexes
BotsApi assign_bot POST /bots/{bot_user_id}/assign/{user_id} Assign a bot to a user
BotsApi convert_bot_to_user POST /bots/{bot_user_id}/convert_to_user Convert a bot into a user
BotsApi convert_user_to_bot POST /users/{user_id}/convert_to_bot Convert a user into a bot
BotsApi create_bot POST /bots Create a bot
BotsApi delete_bot_icon_image DELETE /bots/{bot_user_id}/icon Delete bot's LHS icon image
BotsApi disable_bot POST /bots/{bot_user_id}/disable Disable a bot
BotsApi enable_bot POST /bots/{bot_user_id}/enable Enable a bot
BotsApi get_bot GET /bots/{bot_user_id} Get a bot
BotsApi get_bot_icon_image GET /bots/{bot_user_id}/icon Get bot's LHS icon
BotsApi get_bots GET /bots Get bots
BotsApi patch_bot PUT /bots/{bot_user_id} Patch a bot
BotsApi set_bot_icon_image POST /bots/{bot_user_id}/icon Set bot's LHS icon image
BrandApi delete_brand_image DELETE /brand/image Delete current brand image
BrandApi get_brand_image GET /brand/image Get brand image
BrandApi upload_brand_image POST /brand/image Upload brand image
ChannelsApi add_channel_member POST /channels/{channel_id}/members Add user to channel
ChannelsApi autocomplete_channels_for_team GET /teams/{team_id}/channels/autocomplete Autocomplete channels
ChannelsApi autocomplete_channels_for_team_for_search GET /teams/{team_id}/channels/search_autocomplete Autocomplete channels for search
ChannelsApi channel_members_minus_group_members GET /channels/{channel_id}/members_minus_group_members Channel members minus group members.
ChannelsApi create_channel POST /channels Create a channel
ChannelsApi create_direct_channel POST /channels/direct Create a direct message channel
ChannelsApi create_group_channel POST /channels/group Create a group message channel
ChannelsApi create_sidebar_category_for_team_for_user POST /users/{user_id}/teams/{team_id}/channels/categories Create user's sidebar category
ChannelsApi delete_channel DELETE /channels/{channel_id} Delete a channel
ChannelsApi get_all_channels GET /channels Get a list of all channels
ChannelsApi get_channel GET /channels/{channel_id} Get a channel
ChannelsApi get_channel_by_name GET /teams/{team_id}/channels/name/{channel_name} Get a channel by name
ChannelsApi get_channel_by_name_for_team_name GET /teams/name/{team_name}/channels/name/{channel_name} Get a channel by name and team name
ChannelsApi get_channel_member GET /channels/{channel_id}/members/{user_id} Get channel member
ChannelsApi get_channel_member_counts_by_group GET /channels/{channel_id}/member_counts_by_group Channel members counts for each group that has atleast one member in the channel
ChannelsApi get_channel_members GET /channels/{channel_id}/members Get channel members
ChannelsApi get_channel_members_by_ids POST /channels/{channel_id}/members/ids Get channel members by ids
ChannelsApi get_channel_members_for_user GET /users/{user_id}/teams/{team_id}/channels/members Get channel memberships and roles for a user
ChannelsApi get_channel_members_timezones GET /channels/{channel_id}/timezones Get timezones in a channel
ChannelsApi get_channel_moderations GET /channels/{channel_id}/moderations Get information about channel's moderation.
ChannelsApi get_channel_stats GET /channels/{channel_id}/stats Get channel statistics
ChannelsApi get_channel_unread GET /users/{user_id}/channels/{channel_id}/unread Get unread messages
ChannelsApi get_channels_for_team_for_user GET /users/{user_id}/teams/{team_id}/channels Get channels for user
ChannelsApi get_channels_for_user GET /users/{user_id}/channels Get all channels from all teams
ChannelsApi get_deleted_channels_for_team GET /teams/{team_id}/channels/deleted Get deleted channels
ChannelsApi get_pinned_posts GET /channels/{channel_id}/pinned Get a channel's pinned posts
ChannelsApi get_private_channels_for_team GET /teams/{team_id}/channels/private Get private channels
ChannelsApi get_public_channels_by_ids_for_team POST /teams/{team_id}/channels/ids Get a list of channels by ids
ChannelsApi get_public_channels_for_team GET /teams/{team_id}/channels Get public channels
ChannelsApi get_sidebar_categories_for_team_for_user GET /users/{user_id}/teams/{team_id}/channels/categories Get user's sidebar categories
ChannelsApi get_sidebar_category_for_team_for_user GET /users/{user_id}/teams/{team_id}/channels/categories/{category_id} Get sidebar category
ChannelsApi get_sidebar_category_order_for_team_for_user GET /users/{user_id}/teams/{team_id}/channels/categories/order Get user's sidebar category order
ChannelsApi move_channel POST /channels/{channel_id}/move Move a channel
ChannelsApi patch_channel PUT /channels/{channel_id}/patch Patch a channel
ChannelsApi patch_channel_moderations PUT /channels/{channel_id}/moderations/patch Update a channel's moderation settings.
ChannelsApi remove_sidebar_category_for_team_for_user DELETE /users/{user_id}/teams/{team_id}/channels/categories/{category_id} Delete sidebar category
ChannelsApi remove_user_from_channel DELETE /channels/{channel_id}/members/{user_id} Remove user from channel
ChannelsApi restore_channel POST /channels/{channel_id}/restore Restore a channel
ChannelsApi search_all_channels POST /channels/search Search all private and open type channels across all teams
ChannelsApi search_archived_channels POST /teams/{team_id}/channels/search_archived Search archived channels
ChannelsApi search_channels POST /teams/{team_id}/channels/search Search channels
ChannelsApi search_group_channels POST /channels/group/search Search Group Channels
ChannelsApi update_channel PUT /channels/{channel_id} Update a channel
ChannelsApi update_channel_member_scheme_roles PUT /channels/{channel_id}/members/{user_id}/schemeRoles Update the scheme-derived roles of a channel member.
ChannelsApi update_channel_notify_props PUT /channels/{channel_id}/members/{user_id}/notify_props Update channel notifications
ChannelsApi update_channel_privacy PUT /channels/{channel_id}/privacy Update channel's privacy
ChannelsApi update_channel_roles PUT /channels/{channel_id}/members/{user_id}/roles Update channel roles
ChannelsApi update_channel_scheme PUT /channels/{channel_id}/scheme Set a channel's scheme
ChannelsApi update_sidebar_categories_for_team_for_user PUT /users/{user_id}/teams/{team_id}/channels/categories Update user's sidebar categories
ChannelsApi update_sidebar_category_for_team_for_user PUT /users/{user_id}/teams/{team_id}/channels/categories/{category_id} Update sidebar category
ChannelsApi update_sidebar_category_order_for_team_for_user PUT /users/{user_id}/teams/{team_id}/channels/categories/order Update user's sidebar category order
ChannelsApi view_channel POST /channels/members/{user_id}/view View channel
CloudApi confirm_customer_payment POST /cloud/payment/confirm Completes the payment setup intent
CloudApi create_customer_payment POST /cloud/payment Create a customer setup payment intent
CloudApi get_cloud_customer GET /cloud/customer Get cloud customer
CloudApi get_cloud_limits GET /cloud/limits Get cloud workspace limits
CloudApi get_cloud_products GET /cloud/products Get cloud products
CloudApi get_invoice_for_subscription_as_pdf GET /cloud/subscription/invoices/{invoice_id}/pdf Get cloud invoice PDF
CloudApi get_invoices_for_subscription GET /cloud/subscription/invoices Get cloud subscription invoices
CloudApi get_subscription GET /cloud/subscription Get cloud subscription
CloudApi post_endpoint_for_cws_webhooks POST /cloud/webhook POST endpoint for CWS Webhooks
CloudApi update_cloud_customer PUT /cloud/customer Update cloud customer
CloudApi update_cloud_customer_address PUT /cloud/customer/address Update cloud customer address
ClusterApi get_cluster_status GET /cluster/status Get cluster status
CommandsApi create_command POST /commands Create a command
CommandsApi delete_command DELETE /commands/{command_id} Delete a command
CommandsApi execute_command POST /commands/execute Execute a command
CommandsApi get_command_by_id GET /commands/{command_id} Get a command
CommandsApi list_autocomplete_commands GET /teams/{team_id}/commands/autocomplete List autocomplete commands
CommandsApi list_command_autocomplete_suggestions GET /teams/{team_id}/commands/autocomplete_suggestions List commands' autocomplete data
CommandsApi list_commands GET /commands List commands for a team
CommandsApi move_command PUT /commands/{command_id}/move Move a command
CommandsApi regen_command_token PUT /commands/{command_id}/regen_token Generate a new token
CommandsApi update_command PUT /commands/{command_id} Update a command
ComplianceApi create_compliance_report POST /compliance/reports Create report
ComplianceApi download_compliance_report GET /compliance/reports/{report_id}/download Download a report
ComplianceApi get_compliance_report GET /compliance/reports/{report_id} Get a report
ComplianceApi get_compliance_reports GET /compliance/reports Get reports
DataRetentionApi add_channels_to_retention_policy POST /data_retention/policies/{policy_id}/channels Add channels to a granular data retention policy
DataRetentionApi add_teams_to_retention_policy POST /data_retention/policies/{policy_id}/teams Add teams to a granular data retention policy
DataRetentionApi create_data_retention_policy POST /data_retention/policies Create a new granular data retention policy
DataRetentionApi delete_data_retention_policy DELETE /data_retention/policies/{policy_id} Delete a granular data retention policy
DataRetentionApi get_channel_policies_for_user GET /users/{user_id}/data_retention/channel_policies Get the policies which are applied to a user's channels
DataRetentionApi get_channels_for_retention_policy GET /data_retention/policies/{policy_id}/channels Get the channels for a granular data retention policy
DataRetentionApi get_data_retention_policies GET /data_retention/policies Get the granular data retention policies
DataRetentionApi get_data_retention_policies_count GET /data_retention/policies_count Get the number of granular data retention policies
DataRetentionApi get_data_retention_policy GET /data_retention/policy Get the global data retention policy
DataRetentionApi get_data_retention_policy_by_id GET /data_retention/policies/{policy_id} Get a granular data retention policy
DataRetentionApi get_team_policies_for_user GET /users/{user_id}/data_retention/team_policies Get the policies which are applied to a user's teams
DataRetentionApi get_teams_for_retention_policy GET /data_retention/policies/{policy_id}/teams Get the teams for a granular data retention policy
DataRetentionApi patch_data_retention_policy PATCH /data_retention/policies/{policy_id} Patch a granular data retention policy
DataRetentionApi remove_channels_from_retention_policy DELETE /data_retention/policies/{policy_id}/channels Delete channels from a granular data retention policy
DataRetentionApi remove_teams_from_retention_policy DELETE /data_retention/policies/{policy_id}/teams Delete teams from a granular data retention policy
DataRetentionApi search_channels_for_retention_policy POST /data_retention/policies/{policy_id}/channels/search Search for the channels in a granular data retention policy
DataRetentionApi search_teams_for_retention_policy POST /data_retention/policies/{policy_id}/teams/search Search for the teams in a granular data retention policy
ElasticsearchApi purge_elasticsearch_indexes POST /elasticsearch/purge_indexes Purge all Elasticsearch indexes
ElasticsearchApi test_elasticsearch POST /elasticsearch/test Test Elasticsearch configuration
EmojiApi autocomplete_emoji GET /emoji/autocomplete Autocomplete custom emoji
EmojiApi create_emoji POST /emoji Create a custom emoji
EmojiApi delete_emoji DELETE /emoji/{emoji_id} Delete a custom emoji
EmojiApi get_emoji GET /emoji/{emoji_id} Get a custom emoji
EmojiApi get_emoji_by_name GET /emoji/name/{emoji_name} Get a custom emoji by name
EmojiApi get_emoji_image GET /emoji/{emoji_id}/image Get custom emoji image
EmojiApi get_emoji_list GET /emoji Get a list of custom emoji
EmojiApi search_emoji POST /emoji/search Search custom emoji
ExportsApi delete_export DELETE /exports/{export_name} Delete an export file
ExportsApi download_export GET /exports/{export_name} Download an export file
ExportsApi list_exports GET /exports List export files
FilesApi get_file GET /files/{file_id} Get a file
FilesApi get_file_info GET /files/{file_id}/info Get metadata for a file
FilesApi get_file_link GET /files/{file_id}/link Get a public file link
FilesApi get_file_preview GET /files/{file_id}/preview Get a file's preview
FilesApi get_file_public GET /files/{file_id}/public Get a public file
FilesApi get_file_thumbnail GET /files/{file_id}/thumbnail Get a file's thumbnail
FilesApi search_files POST /teams/{team_id}/files/search Search files in a team
FilesApi upload_file POST /files Upload a file
GroupsApi add_group_members POST /groups/{group_id}/members Adds members to a custom group
GroupsApi create_group POST /groups Create a custom group
GroupsApi delete_group DELETE /groups/{group_id} Deletes a custom group
GroupsApi delete_group_members DELETE /groups/{group_id}/members Removes members from a custom group
GroupsApi get_group GET /groups/{group_id} Get a group
GroupsApi get_group_stats GET /groups/{group_id}/stats Get group stats
GroupsApi get_group_syncable_for_channel_id GET /groups/{group_id}/channels/{channel_id} Get GroupSyncable from channel ID
GroupsApi get_group_syncable_for_team_id GET /groups/{group_id}/teams/{team_id} Get GroupSyncable from Team ID
GroupsApi get_group_syncables_channels GET /groups/{group_id}/channels Get group channels
GroupsApi get_group_syncables_teams GET /groups/{group_id}/teams Get group teams
GroupsApi get_group_users GET /groups/{group_id}/members Get group users
GroupsApi get_groups GET /groups Get groups
GroupsApi get_groups_associated_to_channels_by_team GET /teams/{team_id}/groups_by_channels Get team groups by channels
GroupsApi get_groups_by_channel GET /channels/{channel_id}/groups Get channel groups
GroupsApi get_groups_by_team GET /teams/{team_id}/groups Get team groups
GroupsApi get_groups_by_user_id GET /users/{user_id}/groups Get groups for a userId
GroupsApi link_group_syncable_for_channel POST /groups/{group_id}/channels/{channel_id}/link Link a channel to a group
GroupsApi link_group_syncable_for_team POST /groups/{group_id}/teams/{team_id}/link Link a team to a group
GroupsApi patch_group PUT /groups/{group_id}/patch Patch a group
GroupsApi patch_group_syncable_for_channel PUT /groups/{group_id}/channels/{channel_id}/patch Patch a GroupSyncable associated to Channel
GroupsApi patch_group_syncable_for_team PUT /groups/{group_id}/teams/{team_id}/patch Patch a GroupSyncable associated to Team
GroupsApi unlink_group_syncable_for_channel DELETE /groups/{group_id}/channels/{channel_id}/link Delete a link from a channel to a group
GroupsApi unlink_group_syncable_for_team DELETE /groups/{group_id}/teams/{team_id}/link Delete a link from a team to a group
GroupsApi unlink_ldap_group DELETE /ldap/groups/{remote_id}/link Delete a link for LDAP group
ImportsApi list_imports GET /imports List import files
InsightsApi get_new_team_members GET /teams/{team_id}/top/team_members Get a list of new team members.
InsightsApi get_top_channels_for_team GET /teams/{team_id}/top/channels Get a list of the top channels for a team.
InsightsApi get_top_channels_for_user GET /users/me/top/channels Get a list of the top channels for a user.
InsightsApi get_top_dms_for_user GET /users/me/top/dms Get a list of the top dms for a user.
InsightsApi get_top_reactions_for_team GET /teams/{team_id}/top/reactions Get a list of the top reactions for a team.
InsightsApi get_top_reactions_for_user GET /users/me/top/reactions Get a list of the top reactions for a user.
InsightsApi get_top_threads_for_team GET /teams/{team_id}/top/threads Get a list of the top threads for a team.
InsightsApi get_top_threads_for_user GET /users/me/top/threads Get a list of the top threads for a user.
IntegrationActionsApi open_interactive_dialog POST /actions/dialogs/open Open a dialog
IntegrationActionsApi submit_interactive_dialog POST /actions/dialogs/submit Submit a dialog
JobsApi cancel_job POST /jobs/{job_id}/cancel Cancel a job.
JobsApi create_job POST /jobs Create a new job.
JobsApi download_job GET /jobs/{job_id}/download Download the results of a job.
JobsApi get_job GET /jobs/{job_id} Get a job.
JobsApi get_jobs GET /jobs Get the jobs.
JobsApi get_jobs_by_type GET /jobs/type/{type} Get the jobs of the given type.
LdapApi delete_ldap_private_certificate DELETE /ldap/certificate/private Remove private key
LdapApi delete_ldap_public_certificate DELETE /ldap/certificate/public Remove public certificate
LdapApi migrate_auth_to_ldap POST /users/migrate_auth/ldap Migrate user accounts authentication type to LDAP.
LdapApi migrate_id_ldap POST /ldap/migrateid Migrate Id LDAP
LdapApi sync_ldap POST /ldap/sync Sync with LDAP
LdapApi test_ldap POST /ldap/test Test LDAP configuration
LdapApi upload_ldap_private_certificate POST /ldap/certificate/private Upload private key
LdapApi upload_ldap_public_certificate POST /ldap/certificate/public Upload public certificate
LdapApi get_ldap_groups GET /ldap/groups Returns a list of LDAP groups
LdapApi link_ldap_group POST /ldap/groups/{remote_id}/link Link a LDAP group
MigrateApi migrate_auth_to_ldap POST /users/migrate_auth/ldap Migrate user accounts authentication type to LDAP.
MigrateApi migrate_auth_to_saml POST /users/migrate_auth/saml Migrate user accounts authentication type to SAML.
OAuthApi create_o_auth_app POST /oauth/apps Register OAuth app
OAuthApi delete_o_auth_app DELETE /oauth/apps/{app_id} Delete an OAuth app
OAuthApi get_authorized_o_auth_apps_for_user GET /users/{user_id}/oauth/apps/authorized Get authorized OAuth apps
OAuthApi get_o_auth_app GET /oauth/apps/{app_id} Get an OAuth app
OAuthApi get_o_auth_app_info GET /oauth/apps/{app_id}/info Get info on an OAuth app
OAuthApi get_o_auth_apps GET /oauth/apps Get OAuth apps
OAuthApi regenerate_o_auth_app_secret POST /oauth/apps/{app_id}/regen_secret Regenerate OAuth app secret
OAuthApi update_o_auth_app PUT /oauth/apps/{app_id} Update an OAuth app
OpenGraphApi open_graph POST /opengraph Get open graph metadata for url
PermissionsApi get_ancillary_permissions GET /permissions/ancillary Return all system console subsection ancillary permissions
PluginsApi disable_plugin POST /plugins/{plugin_id}/disable Disable plugin
PluginsApi enable_plugin POST /plugins/{plugin_id}/enable Enable plugin
PluginsApi get_marketplace_plugins GET /plugins/marketplace Gets all the marketplace plugins
PluginsApi get_marketplace_visited_by_admin GET /plugins/marketplace/first_admin_visit Get if the Plugin Marketplace has been visited by at least an admin.
PluginsApi get_plugin_statuses GET /plugins/statuses Get plugins status
PluginsApi get_plugins GET /plugins Get plugins
PluginsApi get_webapp_plugins GET /plugins/webapp Get webapp plugins
PluginsApi install_marketplace_plugin POST /plugins/marketplace Installs a marketplace plugin
PluginsApi install_plugin_from_url POST /plugins/install_from_url Install plugin from url
PluginsApi remove_plugin DELETE /plugins/{plugin_id} Remove plugin
PluginsApi upload_plugin POST /plugins Upload plugin
PostsApi create_post POST /posts Create a post
PostsApi create_post_ephemeral POST /posts/ephemeral Create a ephemeral post
PostsApi delete_post DELETE /posts/{post_id} Delete a post
PostsApi do_post_action POST /posts/{post_id}/actions/{action_id} Perform a post action
PostsApi get_file_infos_for_post GET /posts/{post_id}/files/info Get file info for post
PostsApi get_flagged_posts_for_user GET /users/{user_id}/posts/flagged Get a list of flagged posts
PostsApi get_post GET /posts/{post_id} Get a post
PostsApi get_post_thread GET /posts/{post_id}/thread Get a thread
PostsApi get_posts_around_last_unread GET /users/{user_id}/channels/{channel_id}/posts/unread Get posts around oldest unread
PostsApi get_posts_by_ids POST /posts/ids Get posts by a list of ids
PostsApi get_posts_for_channel GET /channels/{channel_id}/posts Get posts for a channel
PostsApi patch_post PUT /posts/{post_id}/patch Patch a post
PostsApi pin_post POST /posts/{post_id}/pin Pin a post to the channel
PostsApi search_posts POST /teams/{team_id}/posts/search Search for team posts
PostsApi set_post_reminder POST /users/{user_id}/posts/{post_id}/reminder Set a post reminder
PostsApi set_post_unread POST /users/{user_id}/posts/{post_id}/set_unread Mark as unread from a post.
PostsApi unpin_post POST /posts/{post_id}/unpin Unpin a post to the channel
PostsApi update_post PUT /posts/{post_id} Update a post
PreferencesApi delete_preferences POST /users/{user_id}/preferences/delete Delete user's preferences
PreferencesApi get_preferences GET /users/{user_id}/preferences Get the user's preferences
PreferencesApi get_preferences_by_category GET /users/{user_id}/preferences/{category} List a user's preferences by category
PreferencesApi get_preferences_by_category_by_name GET /users/{user_id}/preferences/{category}/name/{preference_name} Get a specific user preference
PreferencesApi update_preferences PUT /users/{user_id}/preferences Save the user's preferences
ReactionsApi delete_reaction DELETE /users/{user_id}/posts/{post_id}/reactions/{emoji_name} Remove a reaction from a post
ReactionsApi get_bulk_reactions POST /posts/ids/reactions Bulk get the reaction for posts
ReactionsApi get_reactions GET /posts/{post_id}/reactions Get a list of reactions to a post
ReactionsApi save_reaction POST /reactions Create a reaction
RolesApi get_all_roles GET /roles Get a list of all the roles
RolesApi get_role GET /roles/{role_id} Get a role
RolesApi get_role_by_name GET /roles/name/{role_name} Get a role
RolesApi get_roles_by_names POST /roles/names Get a list of roles by name
RolesApi patch_role PUT /roles/{role_id}/patch Patch a role
RootApi acknowledge_notification POST /notifications/ack Acknowledge receiving of a notification
SamlApi delete_saml_idp_certificate DELETE /saml/certificate/idp Remove IDP certificate
SamlApi delete_saml_private_certificate DELETE /saml/certificate/private Remove private key
SamlApi delete_saml_public_certificate DELETE /saml/certificate/public Remove public certificate
SamlApi get_saml_certificate_status GET /saml/certificate/status Get certificate status
SamlApi get_saml_metadata GET /saml/metadata Get metadata
SamlApi get_saml_metadata_from_idp POST /saml/metadatafromidp Get metadata from Identity Provider
SamlApi migrate_auth_to_saml POST /users/migrate_auth/saml Migrate user accounts authentication type to SAML.
SamlApi reset_saml_auth_data_to_email POST /saml/reset_auth_data Reset AuthData to Email
SamlApi upload_saml_idp_certificate POST /saml/certificate/idp Upload IDP certificate
SamlApi upload_saml_private_certificate POST /saml/certificate/private Upload private key
SamlApi upload_saml_public_certificate POST /saml/certificate/public Upload public certificate
SchemesApi create_scheme POST /schemes Create a scheme
SchemesApi delete_scheme DELETE /schemes/{scheme_id} Delete a scheme
SchemesApi get_channels_for_scheme GET /schemes/{scheme_id}/channels Get a page of channels which use this scheme.
SchemesApi get_scheme GET /schemes/{scheme_id} Get a scheme
SchemesApi get_schemes GET /schemes Get the schemes.
SchemesApi get_teams_for_scheme GET /schemes/{scheme_id}/teams Get a page of teams which use this scheme.
SchemesApi patch_scheme PUT /schemes/{scheme_id}/patch Patch a scheme
SearchApi search_files POST /teams/{team_id}/files/search Search files in a team
SharedChannelsApi get_all_shared_channels GET /sharedchannels/{team_id} Get all shared channels for team.
SharedChannelsApi get_remote_cluster_info GET /sharedchannels/remote_info/{remote_id} Get remote cluster info by ID for user.
StatusApi get_user_status GET /users/{user_id}/status Get user status
StatusApi get_users_statuses_by_ids POST /users/status/ids Get user statuses by id
StatusApi post_user_recent_custom_status_delete POST /users/{user_id}/status/custom/recent/delete Delete user's recent custom status
StatusApi remove_recent_custom_status DELETE /users/{user_id}/status/custom/recent Delete user's recent custom status
StatusApi unset_user_custom_status DELETE /users/{user_id}/status/custom Unsets user custom status
StatusApi update_user_custom_status PUT /users/{user_id}/status/custom Update user custom status
StatusApi update_user_status PUT /users/{user_id}/status Update user status
SystemApi check_integrity POST /integrity Perform a database integrity check
SystemApi clear_server_busy DELETE /server_busy Clears the server busy (high load) flag
SystemApi database_recycle POST /database/recycle Recycle database connections
SystemApi generate_support_packet GET /system/support_packet Download a zip file which contains helpful and useful information for troubleshooting your mattermost instance.
SystemApi get_analytics_old GET /analytics/old Get analytics
SystemApi get_audits GET /audits Get audits
SystemApi get_client_config GET /config/client Get client configuration
SystemApi get_client_license GET /license/client Get client license
SystemApi get_config GET /config Get configuration
SystemApi get_environment_config GET /config/environment Get configuration made through environment variables
SystemApi get_image_by_url GET /image Get an image by url
SystemApi get_logs GET /logs Get logs
SystemApi get_notices GET /system/notices/{teamId} Get notices for logged in user in specified team
SystemApi get_ping GET /system/ping Check system health
SystemApi get_prev_trial_license GET /trial-license/prev Get last trial license used
SystemApi get_redirect_location GET /redirect_location Get redirect location
SystemApi get_server_busy_expires GET /server_busy Get server busy expiry time.
SystemApi get_supported_timezone GET /system/timezones Retrieve a list of supported timezones
SystemApi get_warn_metrics_status GET /warn_metrics/status Get the warn metrics status (enabled or disabled)
SystemApi invalidate_caches POST /caches/invalidate Invalidate all the caches
SystemApi mark_notices_viewed PUT /system/notices/view Update notices as 'viewed'
SystemApi patch_config PUT /config/patch Patch configuration
SystemApi post_log POST /logs Add log message
SystemApi reload_config POST /config/reload Reload configuration
SystemApi remove_license_file DELETE /license Remove license file
SystemApi request_license_renewal_link GET /license/renewal Request the license renewal link
SystemApi request_trial_license POST /trial-license Request and install a trial license for your server
SystemApi restart_server POST /restart Restart the system after an upgrade from Team Edition to Enterprise Edition
SystemApi send_trial_license_warn_metric_ack POST /warn_metrics/trial-license-ack/{warn_metric_id} Request trial license and acknowledge a warning of a metric status
SystemApi send_warn_metric_ack POST /warn_metrics/ack/{warn_metric_id} Acknowledge a warning of a metric status
SystemApi set_server_busy POST /server_busy Set the server busy (high load) flag
SystemApi test_email POST /email/test Send a test email
SystemApi test_s3_connection POST /file/s3_test Test AWS S3 connection
SystemApi test_site_url POST /site_url/test Checks the validity of a Site URL
SystemApi update_config PUT /config Update configuration
SystemApi update_marketplace_visited_by_admin POST /plugins/marketplace/first_admin_visit Stores that the Plugin Marketplace has been visited by at least an admin.
SystemApi upgrade_to_enterprise POST /upgrade_to_enterprise Executes an inplace upgrade from Team Edition to Enterprise Edition
SystemApi upgrade_to_enterprise_status GET /upgrade_to_enterprise/status Get the current status for the inplace upgrade from Team Edition to Enterprise Edition
SystemApi upload_license_file POST /license Upload license file
TeamsApi add_team_member POST /teams/{team_id}/members Add user to team
TeamsApi add_team_member_from_invite POST /teams/members/invite Add user to team from invite
TeamsApi add_team_members POST /teams/{team_id}/members/batch Add multiple users to team
TeamsApi create_team POST /teams Create a team
TeamsApi get_all_teams GET /teams Get teams
TeamsApi get_team GET /teams/{team_id} Get a team
TeamsApi get_team_by_name GET /teams/name/{name} Get a team by name
TeamsApi get_team_icon GET /teams/{team_id}/image Get the team icon
TeamsApi get_team_invite_info GET /teams/invite/{invite_id} Get invite info for a team
TeamsApi get_team_member GET /teams/{team_id}/members/{user_id} Get a team member
TeamsApi get_team_members GET /teams/{team_id}/members Get team members
TeamsApi get_team_members_by_ids POST /teams/{team_id}/members/ids Get team members by ids
TeamsApi get_team_members_for_user GET /users/{user_id}/teams/members Get team members for a user
TeamsApi get_team_stats GET /teams/{team_id}/stats Get a team stats
TeamsApi get_team_unread GET /users/{user_id}/teams/{team_id}/unread Get unreads for a team
TeamsApi get_teams_for_user GET /users/{user_id}/teams Get a user's teams
TeamsApi get_teams_unread_for_user GET /users/{user_id}/teams/unread Get team unreads for a user
TeamsApi import_team POST /teams/{team_id}/import Import a Team from other application
TeamsApi invalidate_email_invites DELETE /teams/invites/email Invalidate active email invitations
TeamsApi invite_guests_to_team POST /teams/{team_id}/invite-guests/email Invite guests to the team by email
TeamsApi invite_users_to_team POST /teams/{team_id}/invite/email Invite users to the team by email
TeamsApi patch_team PUT /teams/{team_id}/patch Patch a team
TeamsApi regenerate_team_invite_id POST /teams/{team_id}/regenerate_invite_id Regenerate the Invite ID from a Team
TeamsApi remove_team_icon DELETE /teams/{team_id}/image Remove the team icon
TeamsApi remove_team_member DELETE /teams/{team_id}/members/{user_id} Remove user from team
TeamsApi restore_team POST /teams/{team_id}/restore Restore a team
TeamsApi search_files POST /teams/{team_id}/files/search Search files in a team
TeamsApi search_teams POST /teams/search Search teams
TeamsApi set_team_icon POST /teams/{team_id}/image Sets the team icon
TeamsApi soft_delete_team DELETE /teams/{team_id} Delete a team
TeamsApi team_exists GET /teams/name/{name}/exists Check if team exists
TeamsApi team_members_minus_group_members GET /teams/{team_id}/members_minus_group_members Team members minus group members.
TeamsApi update_team PUT /teams/{team_id} Update a team
TeamsApi update_team_member_roles PUT /teams/{team_id}/members/{user_id}/roles Update a team member roles
TeamsApi update_team_member_scheme_roles PUT /teams/{team_id}/members/{user_id}/schemeRoles Update the scheme-derived roles of a team member.
TeamsApi update_team_privacy PUT /teams/{team_id}/privacy Update teams's privacy
TeamsApi update_team_scheme PUT /teams/{team_id}/scheme Set a team's scheme
TermsOfServiceApi create_terms_of_service POST /terms_of_service Creates a new terms of service
TermsOfServiceApi get_terms_of_service GET /terms_of_service Get latest terms of service
TermsOfServiceApi get_user_terms_of_service GET /users/{user_id}/terms_of_service Fetches user's latest terms of service action if the latest action was for acceptance.
TermsOfServiceApi register_terms_of_service_action POST /users/{user_id}/terms_of_service Records user action when they accept or decline custom terms of service
ThreadsApi get_thread_mention_counts_by_channel GET /users/{user_id}/teams/{team_id}/threads/mention_counts Get all unread mention counts from followed threads, per-channel
ThreadsApi get_user_thread GET /users/{user_id}/teams/{team_id}/threads/{thread_id} Get a thread followed by the user
ThreadsApi get_user_threads GET /users/{user_id}/teams/{team_id}/threads Get all threads that user is following
ThreadsApi set_thread_unread_by_post_id PUT /users/{user_id}/teams/{team_id}/threads/{thread_id}/set_unread/{post_id} Mark a thread that user is following as unread based on a post id
ThreadsApi start_following_thread PUT /users/{user_id}/teams/{team_id}/threads/{thread_id}/following Start following a thread
ThreadsApi stop_following_thread DELETE /users/{user_id}/teams/{team_id}/threads/{thread_id}/following Stop following a thread
ThreadsApi update_thread_read_for_user PUT /users/{user_id}/teams/{team_id}/threads/{thread_id}/read/{timestamp} Mark a thread that user is following read state to the timestamp
ThreadsApi update_threads_read_for_user PUT /users/{user_id}/teams/{team_id}/threads/read Mark all threads that user is following as read
UploadsApi create_upload POST /uploads Create an upload
UploadsApi get_upload GET /uploads/{upload_id} Get an upload session
UploadsApi upload_data POST /uploads/{upload_id} Perform a file upload
UsageApi get_posts_usage GET /usage/posts Get current usage of posts
UsageApi get_storage_usage GET /usage/storage Get the total file storage usage for the instance in bytes.
UsersApi attach_device_id PUT /users/sessions/device Attach mobile device
UsersApi autocomplete_users GET /users/autocomplete Autocomplete users
UsersApi check_user_mfa POST /users/mfa Check MFA
UsersApi convert_bot_to_user POST /bots/{bot_user_id}/convert_to_user Convert a bot into a user
UsersApi convert_user_to_bot POST /users/{user_id}/convert_to_bot Convert a user into a bot
UsersApi create_user POST /users Create a user
UsersApi create_user_access_token POST /users/{user_id}/tokens Create a user access token
UsersApi delete_user DELETE /users/{user_id} Deactivate a user account.
UsersApi demote_user_to_guest POST /users/{user_id}/demote Demote a user to a guest
UsersApi disable_user_access_token POST /users/tokens/disable Disable personal access token
UsersApi enable_user_access_token POST /users/tokens/enable Enable personal access token
UsersApi generate_mfa_secret POST /users/{user_id}/mfa/generate Generate MFA secret
UsersApi get_channel_members_with_team_data_for_user GET /users/{user_id}/channel_members Get all channel members from all teams for a user
UsersApi get_default_profile_image GET /users/{user_id}/image/default Return user's default (generated) profile image
UsersApi get_known_users GET /users/known Get user IDs of known users
UsersApi get_profile_image GET /users/{user_id}/image Get user's profile image
UsersApi get_sessions GET /users/{user_id}/sessions Get user's sessions
UsersApi get_total_users_stats GET /users/stats Get total count of users in the system
UsersApi get_total_users_stats_filtered GET /users/stats/filtered Get total count of users in the system matching the specified filters
UsersApi get_uploads_for_user GET /users/{user_id}/uploads Get uploads for a user
UsersApi get_user GET /users/{user_id} Get a user
UsersApi get_user_access_token GET /users/tokens/{token_id} Get a user access token
UsersApi get_user_access_tokens GET /users/tokens Get user access tokens
UsersApi get_user_access_tokens_for_user GET /users/{user_id}/tokens Get user access tokens
UsersApi get_user_audits GET /users/{user_id}/audits Get user's audits
UsersApi get_user_by_email GET /users/email/{email} Get a user by email
UsersApi get_user_by_username GET /users/username/{username} Get a user by username
UsersApi get_user_terms_of_service GET /users/{user_id}/terms_of_service Fetches user's latest terms of service action if the latest action was for acceptance.
UsersApi get_users GET /users Get users
UsersApi get_users_by_group_channel_ids POST /users/group_channels Get users by group channels ids
UsersApi get_users_by_ids POST /users/ids Get users by ids
UsersApi get_users_by_usernames POST /users/usernames Get users by usernames
UsersApi login POST /users/login Login to Mattermost server
UsersApi login_by_cws_token POST /users/login/cws Auto-Login to Mattermost server using CWS token
UsersApi logout POST /users/logout Logout from the Mattermost server
UsersApi migrate_auth_to_ldap POST /users/migrate_auth/ldap Migrate user accounts authentication type to LDAP.
UsersApi migrate_auth_to_saml POST /users/migrate_auth/saml Migrate user accounts authentication type to SAML.
UsersApi patch_user PUT /users/{user_id}/patch Patch a user
UsersApi permanent_delete_all_users DELETE /users Permanent delete all users
UsersApi promote_guest_to_user POST /users/{user_id}/promote Promote a guest to user
UsersApi publish_user_typing POST /users/{user_id}/typing Publish a user typing websocket event.
UsersApi register_terms_of_service_action POST /users/{user_id}/terms_of_service Records user action when they accept or decline custom terms of service
UsersApi reset_password POST /users/password/reset Reset password
UsersApi revoke_all_sessions POST /users/{user_id}/sessions/revoke/all Revoke all active sessions for a user
UsersApi revoke_session POST /users/{user_id}/sessions/revoke Revoke a user session
UsersApi revoke_sessions_from_all_users POST /users/sessions/revoke/all Revoke all sessions from all users.
UsersApi revoke_user_access_token POST /users/tokens/revoke Revoke a user access token
UsersApi search_user_access_tokens POST /users/tokens/search Search tokens
UsersApi search_users POST /users/search Search users
UsersApi send_password_reset_email POST /users/password/reset/send Send password reset email
UsersApi send_verification_email POST /users/email/verify/send Send verification email
UsersApi set_default_profile_image DELETE /users/{user_id}/image Delete user's profile image
UsersApi set_profile_image POST /users/{user_id}/image Set user's profile image
UsersApi switch_account_type POST /users/login/switch Switch login method
UsersApi update_user PUT /users/{user_id} Update a user
UsersApi update_user_active PUT /users/{user_id}/active Update user active status
UsersApi update_user_auth PUT /users/{user_id}/auth Update a user's authentication method
UsersApi update_user_mfa PUT /users/{user_id}/mfa Update a user's MFA
UsersApi update_user_password PUT /users/{user_id}/password Update a user's password
UsersApi update_user_roles PUT /users/{user_id}/roles Update a user's roles
UsersApi verify_user_email POST /users/email/verify Verify user email
UsersApi verify_user_email_without_token POST /users/{user_id}/email/verify/member Verify user email by ID
WebhooksApi create_incoming_webhook POST /hooks/incoming Create an incoming webhook
WebhooksApi create_outgoing_webhook POST /hooks/outgoing Create an outgoing webhook
WebhooksApi delete_incoming_webhook DELETE /hooks/incoming/{hook_id} Delete an incoming webhook
WebhooksApi delete_outgoing_webhook DELETE /hooks/outgoing/{hook_id} Delete an outgoing webhook
WebhooksApi get_incoming_webhook GET /hooks/incoming/{hook_id} Get an incoming webhook
WebhooksApi get_incoming_webhooks GET /hooks/incoming List incoming webhooks
WebhooksApi get_outgoing_webhook GET /hooks/outgoing/{hook_id} Get an outgoing webhook
WebhooksApi get_outgoing_webhooks GET /hooks/outgoing List outgoing webhooks
WebhooksApi regen_outgoing_hook_token POST /hooks/outgoing/{hook_id}/regen_token Regenerate the token for the outgoing webhook.
WebhooksApi update_incoming_webhook PUT /hooks/incoming/{hook_id} Update an incoming webhook
WebhooksApi update_outgoing_webhook PUT /hooks/outgoing/{hook_id} Update an outgoing webhook

Documentation For Models

To get access to the crate's generated documentation, use:

cargo doc --open




Language:Rust 99.9%Language:Shell 0.1%