albatrocity / useAudioPlayer

Custom React hook & context for controlling browser audio

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A custom React hook for controlling browser audio powered by the amazing howler.js library. The intention of this package is to abstract away the details of howler's API using built-in React primitives to create an interface that is more React-friendly, allowing you to write React code that is free from audio-related side-effects.



yarn add react-use-audio-player


For convenience, the library's type definitions are included in the package under index.d.ts.


This library exports a context Provider and two hooks for controlling an audio source, giving you the tools you need to build you own audio player or visualization.


This Provider is required for the hooks to function. The Provider contains a single audio source and exposes an interface for manipulating it via the useAudioPlayer hook. The benefit of having a single, shared audio source is that it allows the developer to compose together multiple components that share knowledge about the audio. For example, you may have separate components PlayPauseButton, SeekBar and VolumeControls all working together on the same audio source.

import React from "react"
import { AudioPlayerProvider } from "react-use-audio-player"

const App = () => {
    return (
            <AudioPlayer file="meow.mp3" />


This is the main hook for controlling your audio instance.


import React from "react"
import { useAudioPlayer } from "react-use-audio-player"

const AudioPlayer = ({ file }) => {
    const { play, pause, ready, loading, playing } = useAudioPlayer({
        src: file,
        format: "mp3",
        autoplay: false

    const togglePlay = () => {
        if (playing) {
        } else {

    if (!ready && !loading) return <div>No audio to play</div>
    if (loading) return <div>Loading audio</div>

    return (
            <button onClick={togglePlay}>{playing ? "Pause" : "Play"}</button>



  • (optional) audioPlayerConfig: { src: string, format?: string, autoplay?: boolean }
    autoplay and format are optional. autoplay will default to false.

Return Value

useAudioPlayer returns a single object containing the following members:

  • laod: ({ src: string, format?: string, autoplay?: boolean }) => void
    method to lazily load audio

  • loading: boolean
    true if audio is being fetched

  • ready: boolean
    true if the audio has been loaded and can be played

  • playing: boolean
    true is the audio is currently playing

  • stopped: boolean
    true if the audio has been stopped

  • error: Error
    set when audio has failed to load

  • play: () => void
    plays the loaded audio

  • pause: () => void
    pauses the audio

  • stop: () => void
    stops the audio, returning the position to 0

  • seek: (position: number) => void
    sets the position of the audio to position (seconds)

  • mute: () => void
    mutes the audio


This hooks exposes the current position and duration of the audio instance as its playing in real time. This data may be useful when animating a visualization for your audio like a seek bar. A separate hook was created to manage this state in order to avoid many rerenders of components that don't need the live data feed. For example a component that renders a play/pause button may use useAudioPlayer but does not need to rerender every time the position of the playing audio changes.

import React from "react"
import { useAudioPosition } from "react-use-audio-player"

const PlayBar = () => {
    const { position, duration } = useAudioPosition()
    const [percent, setPercent] = React.useState(0)

    React.useEffect(() => {
        setPercent((position / duration) * 100 || 0)
    }, [position, duration])

    return <ProgressBar percentComplete={percent} />


Return Value

useAudioPosition returns an object containing the following members:

  • position: number
    the current playback position of the audio in seconds

  • duration: number
    the total length of the audio in seconds


To run the example applications follow the following steps:

  1. git clone the repository
  2. cd useAudioPlayer/examples
  3. yarn install
  4. yarn start
  5. follow the local README for further assistance


Custom React hook & context for controlling browser audio


Language:TypeScript 96.2%Language:JavaScript 3.8%