albatrocity / synthax

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


very early development stages, no documentation.

Node version is locked at 0.10.25 for the node-kinect library.

A MIDI patching/mixing library. Intended to be used to send control change signals generated by a variety of modulation sources.


If you'll be using the Xbox 360 Kinect module:

  • brew install nvm
  • nvm install 0.10.25
  • nvm use 0.10.25
  • brew install libusb
  • brew install libfreenect
  • Connect Xbox 360 Kinect
  • Connect in USB MIDI device
  • npm install
  • npm start


  • npm install
  • Connect in USB MIDI device
  • npm start



Include the Power module - require('./lib/power') - and call power.on() to set up your MIDI I/O. power.on returns a promise that returns a channels object.


Mappers are responsible for sending a passed MIDI value to a particular CC or MIDI channel of the main output. They must return an object with an input and output values of EventEmitters. Output should be null by default. Use mappers#connect to set the device output (see example below).


The Patchbay is used to route MIDI signal between modules. It is currently instantiated with input and output arguments, but I might remove those in favor of more flexible routing. Use connect to connect to modules together, which sets up event listeners.


power.on().then(function(channels) {
  mappers.connect(channels.output); // set all mapper outputs to main device out

  var patchbay = new Patchbay(channels.input, channels.output);
  patchbay.connect(new LFO(200), mappers.reso);

Input Sources

An Input Source is any module that creates its own values to be converted to MIDI data. The LFO is a simple input sources that emits integer values over time. The Kinect Video input source captures video data and emits each frame. An Input Source is lineLevel if it emits values within the MIDI range (0-127). The LFO is lineLevel, the Kinect Video is not.


If an Input Source is not lineLevel, you can patch it into an Analyzer or a Preamp to standardize output values. Analyzers are used to turn arbitrary data into integer values with a known minimum and maximum. The Color Analyzer accepts an image, finds a dominant color, and emits an object containing RGB values between 0 and 256.


Preamps accept any data source and convert numeric values into useable MIDI values. When creating a new preamp, you can pass an options object that will determine how a value is created.


  • dataValue: String - a getter to be called on each data event to retrieve the desired value
  • rMin: Number - the minimum number in the range of the input source
  • rMax: Number - the maximum number in the range of the input source

rMin and rMax are used to scale values proportionally to MIDI.


var video = new KinectVideo(); // Kinect Video input source
var ca = new Color; // Color Analyzer

patchbay.connect(video, ca); // Send video to color analyzer

// Create Preamp to select "green" value of color analysis and scale it
// proportionally from 0 to 256
green_pre = new Preamp({
  dataValue: 'green', rMin: 0, rMax: 256

patchbay.connect(ca, green_pre); // Send Color Analysis to preamp

// send output of the preamp to the LPF mapper
patchbay.connect(green_pre, mappers.lowpass);


Submixers accept multiple input sources and blend them together, emitting an average output.


filter_mixer = new SubMixer();
filter_mixer.lineIn(new LFO(400)); // Connect one LFO
filter_mixer.lineIn(new LFO(10));  // Connect a second LFO
patchbay.connect(filter_mixer, mappers.lowpass); // connect output to LPF


var power       = require('./lib/power');
var Patchbay    = require('./lib/patchbay');
var SubMixer    = require('./lib/submixer');
var mappers     = require('./lib/mappers');
var LFO         = require('./lib/input_sources/LFO');
var KinectVideo = require('./lib/input_sources/kinect_video');
var Preamp      = require('./lib/preamp');
var Color       = require('./lib/analyzers/color_analyzer');

power.on().then(function(channels) {
  var patchbay = new Patchbay(channels.input, channels.output);

  filter_mixer = new SubMixer();
  filter_mixer.lineIn(new LFO(400));
  filter_mixer.lineIn(new LFO(10));

  patchbay.connect(new LFO(200), mappers.reso);

  var video = new KinectVideo();
  var ca = new Color;

  green_pre = new Preamp({
    dataValue: 'green', rMin: 0, rMax: 256

  patchbay.connect(video, ca);
  patchbay.connect(ca, green_pre);

  patchbay.connect(filter_mixer, mappers.lowpass);



  • done MIDI I/O device selection
  • done Patchbay to route modulation sources to MIDI category values
  • done Submixer to blend multiple modulation sources together
  • More Core input sources (better LFO with more shapes, audio input, video input, etc.)
  • More Core mappers (config standard synthesizer MIDI ports for things like Filter cutoff, resonance, envelopes, etc.) - reference the Moog Sub Phatty Manual for its MIDI OPERATIONS section
  • Multiple channel output
  • More Core Device configurations (in the case where a device deviates from "standard" MIDI channels)



Language:JavaScript 100.0%