albarralnunez / eventsourcing

Event sourcing in Python

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Event Sourcing in Python

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A library for event sourcing in Python.


Domain Events, Entities, Repositories, and Subscribers — Base classes make it easy to develop new applications with custom entities, custom repositories, custom domain events, custom subscribers, custom transcoders, custom stored event repositories, custom snapshotting mechanism. See example below, and the package's test suite.

Event Store — With extendable set of stored event repositories for adapting different ORMs and databases systems (e.g. Cassandra, SQLAlchemy). Includes an in-memory stored event repository implemented with simple Python objects. If your database system isn't already supported, it will be easy to adapt with a custom stored event repository.

Event Player with Snapshots — Avoid replaying an entire event stream to obtain the current state of an entity. Makes entity access constant time, rather than proportional to the number of events. Snapshotting is implemented as a strategy object in the application class, making it easy to use a custom snapshotting mechanism and storage. A snapshot strategy is included which reuses the capabilities of this library by implementing snapshots as domain events.

Fast Forwarding — Of entities to latest published event, used with snapshots and also when optimistic currency control exceptions are encountered.

Optimistic Concurrency Control — Implemented using optimistic concurrency controls in the adapted database. For example, with Cassandra this accomplishes linearly-scalable distributed optimistic concurrency control, guaranteeing sequential consistency of each event stream, across a distributed application. It is also possible to serialize the execution of commands on an aggregate, but that is out of the scope of this package. If you wish to do that, perhaps something like Zookeeper might help.

Application-Level Encryption — Symmetric encryption of all stored events, including snapshots and logged messages, using a customizable cipher. Can optionally be applied to encrypt particular events, or all stored events, or not applied at all (the default). Included is an AES cipher, by default in CBC mode with 128 bit blocksize, that uses a 16 byte encryption key passed in at run time, and which generates a unique 16 byte initialization vector for each encryption. Data is compressed before it is encrypted, which can mean application performance is improved when encryption is enabled.

Time-Bucketed Logs — Provide a way of writing an indefinitely long stream of events in a highly scalable manner. Includes log objects, logged message events and a log reader implemented as a generator that can span across many many buckets. For example, a domain event log that allows all stored events in an application to be logged in a linearly scalable manner, and then retrieved in order, limited by number, from any point in time until another point in time, in reverse or ascending order.

Notification Logs - Provide a way of reading an indefinitely long sequence of events in a highly scalable manner. Includes a notification logger that writes an event sourced log that can be indexed with a contiguous integer sequence, and a log reader implemented as a generator that selects a part of a sequence using Python's list slice syntax.

Customizable Transcoding — Between domain events and stored events, allows support to be added for serialization and deserialization of custom value object types, and also makes it possible to use different database schemas when developing a custom stored event repository.

Synchronous Publish-Subscribe Mechanism — Entirely deterministic, with handlers called in the order they are registered, and with which calls to publish events do not return until all event subscribers have returned.

Worked Examples — A simple worked example application, with example entity class, event sourced repository, and factory method (see below). Also included is a slightly more sophisticated version of the example application below.

Collections — Event sourced collections, for modelling different kinds of multiplicity.


Use pip to install the latest distribution from the Python Package Index.

pip install eventsourcing

If you want to run the test suite, or try the example below, then please install with the optional extra called 'test'.

pip install eventsourcing[test]

After installing with the 'test' optional extra, the test suite should pass.

python -m unittest discover eventsourcing.tests -v

Please register any issues you find.

There is also a mailing list.


Start by opening a new Python file in your favourite editor, or start a new project in your favourite IDE (I've been using PyCharm for this code).

Start writing yourself a new event sourced entity class, by making a subclass of 'EventSourcedEntity' (from module 'eventsourcing.domain.model.entity').

from eventsourcing.domain.model.entity import EventSourcedEntity, mutableproperty

class Example(EventSourcedEntity):
    """An example of an event sourced entity class."""

The entity class domain events must be defined on the domain entity class. In the example below, an 'Example' entity defines 'Created', 'AttributeChanged', and 'Discarded' events. Add these events to your entity class.

from eventsourcing.domain.model.entity import EventSourcedEntity, mutableproperty

class Example(EventSourcedEntity):
    """An example of an event sourced entity class."""

    class Created(EventSourcedEntity.Created):

    class AttributeChanged(EventSourcedEntity.AttributeChanged):

    class Discarded(EventSourcedEntity.Discarded):

When are these events published? The 'Created' event is published by a factory method (see below), its values are used to initialise an entity. The 'Discarded' event is published by the discard() method, which is defined on class 'EventSourcedEntity'.

The 'mutableproperty' decorator is used to define mutable properties 'a' and 'b'. The decorator introduces a setter that generates 'AttributeChanged' events when values are assigned to the properties.

Add the two mutable properties 'a' and 'b' to your entity class.

from eventsourcing.domain.model.entity import EventSourcedEntity, mutableproperty

class Example(EventSourcedEntity):
    """An example of an event sourced entity class."""

    class Created(EventSourcedEntity.Created):

    class AttributeChanged(EventSourcedEntity.AttributeChanged):

    class Discarded(EventSourcedEntity.Discarded):

    def a(self):
        return self._a

    def b(self):
        return self._b

That's everything you need to publish domain events. How are they applied?

The entity class inherits a mutator method that is capable of handling those events. For example, when a 'Created' event is handled by the mutator, the attribute values of the Created event object are passed into the entity class constructor. A factory method will instantiate a Created event with the attribute values expected by the entity class constructor.

Add a constructor to your entity class which takes two positional arguments ('a' and 'b') and keyword arguments ('kwargs') which it passes through to the base class constructor.

from eventsourcing.domain.model.entity import EventSourcedEntity, mutableproperty

class Example(EventSourcedEntity):
    """An example of an event sourced entity class."""

    class Created(EventSourcedEntity.Created):

    class AttributeChanged(EventSourcedEntity.AttributeChanged):

    class Discarded(EventSourcedEntity.Discarded):

    def __init__(self, a, b, **kwargs):
        super(Example, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self._a = a
        self._b = b

    def a(self):
        return self._a

    def b(self):
        return self._b

Next, define a factory method that returns new entity instances. Rather than directly constructing the entity object instance, it should firstly instantiate a 'Created' domain event, and then call the mutator to obtain an entity object. The factory method then publishes the event (for example, so that it might be saved into the event store by the persistence subscriber). Finally it returns the entity to the caller.

from import publish
import uuid

def register_new_example(a, b):
    entity_id = uuid.uuid4().hex
    event = Example.Created(entity_id=entity_id, a=a, b=b)
    entity = Example.mutate(event=event)
    return entity

That's everything needed to create new entities. How can existing entities be obtained? Entities are retrieved from repositories.

Define an event sourced repository class for your entity. Inherit from eventsourcing.infrastructure.event_sourced_repo.EventSourcedRepository and set the 'domain_class' attribute on the subclass.

from eventsourcing.infrastructure.event_sourced_repo import EventSourcedRepository

class ExampleRepository(EventSourcedRepository):

    domain_class = Example

Application objects are used to bind domain and infrastructure. This normally involves having some kind of stored event repository suitable for the database system you want to use. The stored event repository is used by the event store, which is used by both the persistence subscriber to make events durable, and by event players in repositories to get the events for an entity that has been requested.

Please note, for convenience when using SQLAlchemy or Cassandra to store events, two application sub-classes are provided: 'EventSourcingWithSQLAlchemy' and 'EventSourcingWithCassandra'.

Add an application class, inheriting from 'EventSourcingWithSQLAlchemy', that has an event sourced repo. This inheritance provides a persistence subscriber, an event store, and a stored event repository that works with SQLAlchemy.

from eventsourcing.application.with_sqlalchemy import EventSourcingWithSQLAlchemy

class ExampleApplication(EventSourcingWithSQLAlchemy):

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(ExampleApplication, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.example_repo = ExampleRepository(

For simplicity, this application has just one type of entity. A more realistic application may involve several different types of entity, several factory methods, several entity repositories, and different event sourced projections (mutator funtions).

As shown below, an event sourced application object can be used as a context manager, which closes the application at the end of the block.

The 'db_uri' arg is used in the application constructor to configure the database connection. And also a True value for arg 'enable_occ' is given, so that optimistic concurrency control is enabled. If you aren't developing a distributed (or otherwise concurrent and potentially contentious) application, you don't need to enable optimistic concurrency control.

With an instance of the example application, call the factory method register_new_entity() to register a new entity. Then, update an attribute value by assigning a value. Use the generated entity ID to subsequently retrieve the registered entity from the repository. Check the changed attribute value has been stored. Discard the entity and see that the repository gives a key error when an attempt is made to obtain the entity after it has been discarded:

db_uri = 'sqlite:///:memory:'
with ExampleApplication(db_uri=db_uri, enable_occ=True) as app:

    # Register a new example.
    example1 = register_new_example(a=1, b=2)

    # Check the example is available in the repo.
    assert in app.example_repo

    # Check the attribute values.
    entity1 = app.example_repo[]
    assert entity1.a == 1
    assert entity1.b == 2

    # Change attribute values.
    entity1.a = 123
    entity1.b = 234

    # Check the new values are available in the repo.
    entity1 = app.example_repo[]
    assert entity1.a == 123
    assert entity1.b == 234

    # Discard the entity.

    assert not in app.example_repo

    # Getting a discarded entity from the repo causes a KeyError.
    except KeyError:
        assert False

Congratulations! You have created a new event sourced application.

If you wanted also to enable application-level encryption, pass in a cipher, and a True value for 'always_encrypt_stored_events'. With application level encryption, your data below the application will be encrypted at rest and in transit, which can help prevent data loss.

from import AESCipher

cipher = AESCipher(aes_key='0123456789abcdef')

with ExampleApplication(db_uri=db_uri, enable_occ=True, cipher=cipher,

    # Register a new example.
    example1 = register_new_example(a='secret data', b='more secrets')

If you want to model other domain events, then simply declare them on the entity class like the events above, and implement methods on the entity which instantiate those domain events, apply them to the entity, publish to subscribers. Add mutator functions to apply the domain events to the entity objects, for example by directly changing the internal state of the entity. See the beat_heart() method on the extended example application included in this distribution.

The example above uses an SQLite in memory relational database, but you could change 'db_uri' to another connection string if you have a real database. Here are some example connection strings - for an SQLite file, for a PostgreSQL database, and for a MySQL database. See SQLAlchemy's create_engine() documentation for details.




Todo: Develop above to be a tutorial.

Upgrading From 1.0.x to 1.1.x

You don't need to do anything. However before using the new optimistic concurrency controls you will need to migrate an existing database schema to have the new 'entity_versions' table, and you will also need to add a record to that table for each stored event. See notes in doc string of EventSourcingApplication class for a zero-downtime migration approach.

To enable optimistic concurrency control, set the application constructor argument named 'enable_occ' to a True value.

Upgrading From 0.9.4 to 1.0.x

If you are upgrading from version 0.9.4, or earlier, please note that version 0.9.4 is the last version with ascending as the declared ordering of 'event_id' in column family 'cql_stored_event'. Subsequent versions have the this ordering declared as descending. The change was made to support both paging through long histories of events and getting only recent events after a snapshot.

A few things have been renamed, for example '@mutableproperty' is the new name for '@eventsourcedproperty'. This change was made to reflect the fact that immutable properties are also event sourced.

The EventSourcedEntity class now has a property 'created_on', which replaces the attribute '_created_on'. This change follows from the fact that the domain events no longer have an floating point attribute 'timestamp' but instead a UUID attribute 'domain_event_id', which is set on an event sourced entity as '_initial_event_id'. That UUID value is used to generate the floating point timestamp value of the 'created_on' property.

Please note, the mutator style has changed to use the singledispatch package. Mutators were implemented as a big if-elif-else block. Subclasses of EventSourcedEntity must implement a static method called _mutator() in order to have their own mutator function invoked when mutate() is called.

There is a new method called _apply() on EventSourcedEntity, which makes operations that need to apply events have a suitably named method to call. The apply() method calls the mutate() class method, which is also used by the event source repository to replay events. The mutate() class method calls the static method _mutator() with the event and an initial state. So the static method _mutator is a good method to override in order to introduce a mutator for the class.

Please see the Example class for details, and the documentation for singledispatch.

Also, for Cassandra users, the table name for stored events has changed to 'stored_events'. The column names have changed to be single characters, for storage efficiency. Production data will need to be migrated.


Although the event sourcing patterns are each quite simple, and they can be reproduced in code for each project, they do suggest cohesive mechanisms, for example applying and publishing the events generated within domain entities, storing and retrieving selections of the events in a highly scalable manner, replaying the stored events for a particular entity to obtain the current state, and projecting views of the event stream that are persisted in other models. Quoting from the "Cohesive Mechanism" pages in Eric Evan's Domain Driven Design book:

"Therefore: Partition a conceptually COHESIVE MECHANISM into a separate lightweight framework. Particularly watch for formalisms for well-documented categories of algorithms. Expose the capabilities of the framework with an INTENTION-REVEALING INTERFACE. Now the other elements of the domain can focus on expressing the problem ("what"), delegating the intricacies of the solution ("how") to the framework."

The example usage (see above) introduces the "interface". The "intricacies" can be found in the source code.


See also:

More Details About the Features

  • Example application of event sourcing, with an example event sourced entity and example domain events, and with an example event sourced repository containing example entity instances, and an example entity factory method

  • Storage-specific event sourced application classes

    • Base class for event sourced applications with SQLAlchemy

    • Base class for event sourced applications with Cassandra

    • Base class for event sourced applications with simple Python objects (non-persistent)

  • Base class for event sourced applications, which provides an event store and a persistence subscriber, but which requires subclasses to implement a method that provides a stored event repository instance

  • Example event sourced entity

  • Base class for event sourced entities

    • Basic domain events, to model basic "created", "attribute changed", and "discarded" entity events

    • Mutator function, to apply a domain event to an entity, variously according to the type of the event

    • Event sourced property decorator, to help declare simple event sourced properties

    • A "discard" method which publishes the discarded event, to call when an entity is no longer wanted,

  • Domain event base class, to model events in a domain

  • In-process publish-subscribe mechanism, for in-process domain event propagation

  • Persistence subscriber class, to subscribe to locally published domain events and append them to an event store

  • Example event sourced domain entity repository

  • Base class for event sourced domain entity repositories

  • Event player, to recover a domain entity for a given domain entity ID, using an event store and a mutator

  • Domain event store class

    • Method to append a new domain event

    • Method to get all the domain events for an entity

  • Concrete stored event repository classes

    • Stored event repository to persist stored event objects in a relational database, using SQLAlchemy (as an ORM)

    • Stored event repository to persist stored events in Cassandra

    • Stored event repository using simple Python objects (non-persistent)

  • Generic stored event class, to provide a form in which to persist domain events

  • Function to get event topic from domain event class

  • Function to resolve event topic into domain event class

  • Function to serialize a domain event object to a stored event object

  • Function to recreate a domain event object from a stored event object

  • Base class for stored event repositories

    • Method to append a new stored event to the stored collection

    • Method to get all stored events for given entity ID

    • Method to get all stored events for given domain event topic

    • Method to get single domain event for given event ID

  • Entity snapshots, to avoid replaying all events

  • Method to get domain events for given entity ID, from given time

  • Method to get domain events for given entity ID, until given time

  • Method to get a limited number of domain events

  • Generator that retrieves events in a succession of pages, emitting a continuous stream in ascending or descending order

  • Time-bucketed logs, useful for accumulating an indefinite list of messages in an accessible manner

  • Encrypted stored events, providing application level encryption

  • Set-based collections

  • Optimistic concurrency control

  • Generalized suffix trees

Todo: Develop above to be an API reference.

Forthcoming Features

  • List-based collections (forthcoming)

  • Stored event repository to persist stored events in a file using a very simple file format (forthcoming)

  • Stored event repository to persist stored events using MongoDB (forthcoming)

  • Stored event repository to persist stored events using HBase (forthcoming)

  • Stored event repository to persist stored events using DynamoDB (forthcoming)

  • Method to delete all domain events for given domain entity ID (forthcoming)

  • Method to get all domain events in the order they occurred (forthcoming)

  • Storage retries and fallback strategies, to protect against failing to write an event (forthcoming)

  • Subscriber that publishes domain events to RabbitMQ (forthcoming)

  • Subscriber that publishes domain events to Amazon SQS (forthcoming)

  • Republisher that subscribes to RabbitMQ and publishes domain events locally (forthcoming)

  • Republisher that subscribers to Amazon SQS and publishes domain event locally (forthcoming)

  • Linked pages of domain events ("Archived Log"), to allow event sourced projections easily to make sure they have all the events (forthcoming)

  • Base class for event sourced projections or views (forthcoming)

    • In memory event sourced projection, which needs to replay entire event stream when system starts up (forthcoming)

    • Persistent event sourced projection, which stored its projected state, but needs to replay entire event stream when initialized (forthcoming)

  • Event sourced indexes, as persisted event source projections, to discover extant entity IDs (forthcoming)

  • Event pointer, to refer to an event in a stream (forthcoming)

  • Updating stored events, to support domain model migration (forthcoming)

  • Something to store serialized event attribute values separately from the other event information, to prevent large attribute values inhibiting performance and stability - different sizes could be stored in different ways... (forthcoming)

  • Different kinds of stored event

    • IDs generated from content, e.g. like Git (forthcoming)
    • cryptographically signed stored events (forthcoming)
  • Branch and merge mechanism for domain events (forthcoming)

  • Support for asynchronous I/O, with an application that uses an event loop (forthcoming)

  • More examples (forthcoming)

  • Great documentation! (forthcoming)

  • Context maps (so we can use univerally unique IDs within a context, even though entities arise from other contexts and may not have universally unique IDs e.g. integer sequences)

  • Optionally decouple topics from actual code, so classes can be moved.

Todo: Develop above to be a release plan.

Possible Future Backwards-Incompatible Changes

  • Remove id_prefixes in stored entity ID, because it makes the code a bit complicated, since each domain event needs to know which entity class it is for, and that's not always desirable. This would involve internal code changes that probably wouldn't impact on applications using this package, however it would impact existing data. This change might not even be a good idea.

  • Move base event classes off from abstract entity classes, so developers can't get confused with events defined on super classes that can't be retrieved from the event store, because they don't know which concrete class they pertain to, so can't be written with correct id prefixes. This would be a code change rather than a data migration thing. This wouldn't be an issue if we didn't use ID prefixes.

  • Stored event repositories that primarily use version numbers instead of UUIDs to key and order stored events. This wouldn't be a backwards incompatible change, but an alternative transcoder and stored event repo.


This project is hosted on GitHub.

Questions, requests and any other issues can be registered here:


Event sourcing in Python

License:GNU General Public License v2.0


Language:Python 100.0%