alashh / AWSTraining

Adam's AWS Training Cirriculum for his mates who wanna give this Public Cloud stuff a crack.

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Adam's AWS Training Cirriculum for his mates who wanna give this Public Cloud stuff a crack.

List of Topics to cover

  1. What is Public Cloud? What is AWS/Azure/GCP
  2. Why Public Cloud is a 'Good Idea'
  3. Why Public Cloud is a 'Bad Idea'
  4. SaaS, PaaS and IaaS. What does each mean? What is each service?
  5. Overview of the specific topics to cover today on AWS:
  • Networking Concepts and VPCs
  • IaaS: 'N-Tier Application using IaaS' - End to End deployment and pros/cons
  • Involving PaaS: 'RDS and S3 Applications to our N-Tier App'
  • More PaaS: 'What other PaaS is out there?'
  • Codification: 'Deploying our Infrastructure correctly'
  • Stitch it altogether: 'Run our N-Tier completely codified and deployed via CI/CD'
  • Fancy Stuff: 'Serverless Overview'
  • fancy Stuff: 'Machine Learning Overview'
  • SaaS: 'Where does SaaS fit in'
  • Bonus Round: 'Some of my Architecture Designs'


Adam's AWS Training Cirriculum for his mates who wanna give this Public Cloud stuff a crack.