alash3al / FlatFire

Pure PHP Flat File Database

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

 (     (                       (     (    (         
)\ )  )\ )    (       *   )   )\ )  )\ ) )\ )      
(()/( (()/(    )\    ` )  /(  (()/( (()/((()/( (    
/(_)) /(_))(*((_)(   ( )(_))  /(_)) /(_))/(_)))\   
(_))_|(_))   )\ _ )\ (_(_())  (_))_|(_)) (_)) *(_)  
| |_  | |    `_)_\(' |_   _|  | |_  |_ _|| _ \| __| 
| __| | |__   / _ \    | |    | __|  | | |   /| _|  
|_|   |____| /_/ \_\   |_|    |_|   |___||_|_\|___| 

.:: FLAT FIRE DATABASE ::. PHP Flat File Database Engine

Easy to setup

1. Upload files to your host and address to FFDB root (index.php).
It redirects you to installation:
2. (Install FF) Set a root username and password.
FF is ready to use...
Include "FlatFire.php" to your script, everywhere you need FF functionality.


You are able to access databases from other servers using a POST request to "FFDB/api.php".
for more information look at Documentation.


Flat Fire is pure php and totaly function oriented so you can manipulate your databases, right from your script. In adition to this, FF has also powerful user-interface which prefer controls for Databases and configurations.
You can access to this control panel using root username and password and from index.php


Create databases as many as you want.


You can:
1. setup privileges for multiple users (similar to mysql).
2. control members using core functions.
2. manage users and privileges from control panel.

Free or Structured or Mixed

Flat Fire supports three database types:
Regular (table, row, column) format.
/	\
TX	TableY
	|ROW_0 Colum_0 Colum_1 Colum_2|
	|ROW_1 Colum_0 Colum_1 Colum_2|
More creative data storing. You can store data in any structure you want for each (free) element, its similar to storing an array with a unique "Id".
/	\
EX	ElementY (ID)
	|Field_0 Value_0 |
	|Field_1 Value_1 |
	|Field_2 Value_2 |
recall [ID]: get_free("ElementY") --> array([Field_0]=>Value_0,[Field_1]=>Value_1...
- MIXD (Mixed)
Mixed databases can store both free elements and tables.If you add a table to a free db or a free element to a structured db, flat fire will automatically convert FREE or SRCT to MIXD database.
/	\

Detailed error reporting

FF can trigger (short or detailed) error messages on almost every error.
- Note: You can disable error reporting from control panel.

Plugin engine


Stable against code injection

Easy to search and read physical files

Opensource and free

Server Requirements

A little storage and...
PHP 5.3+ or...
--> if you want to use FFDB on php5 under 5.3 this is what you need:
remove "namespace FFDB;" and "FFDB\" (without quotes) from all php files, don't lose anyone.
if you remove namespace, you can call functions without "FFDB\"...
but you should not use this variables: $Root, $indb
for more information about namespace, have a look at php official manual.
--> you can also use namespaceless (git) branch.


(MIT License) Read "License" file please; That's plain text.

Author: M. H. GOLKAR Version: 01.00 [2012]

For more information please take a look at "Documents" in control panel


Pure PHP Flat File Database

License:MIT License