alanwangvt / dancing-plant

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Tools for tracing leaf an stem motion from RGB video.

The typical pipeline for this process is:

  1. Generate dense UV flow maps using RAFT
  2. Generate traces over time starting from a subsampled 2D mesh of pixels
  3. Extract fastest moving traces to remove those generated from lighting and other noise
  4. Cluster traces using dynamic time warping
  5. Save and display results, which can be post-processed (e.g. sonification)

A high-level user interface for using this package is provided in the /launch directory.

See the in-code documentation provided in each launch file.

Python Launch File Description generate UV flow maps with a pretrained RAFT model generate trace CSVs and complementary images using UV flow maps cluster traces from using dynamic time warping annotate video frames with traces from access file name sorting and indexing tools is also provided to conveniently erase all existing images and CSVs generated.

All files in dancing_plant/raft, dancing_plant/, and alt_cuda_corr/, along with the model downloaded via, are directly adapted from the RAFT GitHub repository.


This project has been tested using Python 3.7 on Ubuntu 16.04.

  1. Change directories to this project's root and install the dancing-plant package.
pip install -e .
  1. Install PyTorch with CUDA support. PyTorch version 1.6.0 and CudaToolKit 10.1 are tested to work with the following step.

  2. Compile RAFT's custom CUDA extension which significantly reduces GPU memory requirements.

cd alt_cuda_corr && python install && cd ..
  1. Install other Python requirements.
pip install -r requirements.txt
(Arc: pip install -U future if the future package is missing)
  1. Download the RAFT model.

cmd2 0.8.9 requires pyperclip, which is not installed. cmd2 0.8.9 requires wcwidth; sys_platform != "win32", which is not installed. torch 1.6.0 requires future, which is not installed.

Arc Instruction: Firs-time use: module load EasyBuild

module load CUDA/10.1.243-GCC-8.3.0 module load Anaconda3/2020.11 nvidia-smi ## make sure you see GPUs module save conda create -n pytorch python=3.7.0 unset PYTHONPATH source activate pytorch conda install pytorch==1.6.0 torchvision==0.7.0 cudatoolkit=10.1 -c pytorch export CXX=g++ git clone "run steps 1,3,4,5 above" use "pip install" to install any missing packages

After first-time: module restore unset PYTHONPATH source activate pytorch

Alan Wang:

  1. Modify to specify the work folder and the collections to be processed;
  2. Git push and pull to ~/dancingplant on arc;
  3. sbatch; It will generate a raft-flow-raw folder in each image set;
  4. Wait untill step 3 is completed, in the dancingplant folder run: python launch/, this processes all the traces and generates tracks, trace_cache, clusters, and annotations;
  5. run: python , this converts all tracks into a csv file that contains features (x-, y-, z- distances between adjacent time points and max/min/mean distances in each dimension) and a class lable (0-before treatment, 1-immeidately after treatment, 2-after treatment)



Language:Python 89.5%Language:Cuda 8.9%Language:C++ 1.2%Language:Shell 0.4%