Provides support for an equivalent of JSX syntax in Coffeescript (called CJSX) so you can write your Facebook React components with the full awesomeness of Coffeescript.
# @cjsx React.DOM
Car = React.createClass
render: ->
<Vehicle doors={4} locked={isLocked()} data-colour="red" on>
<Parts.FrontSeat />
<Parts.BackSeat />
<p>Which seat can I take? {@props?.seat or 'none'}</p>
Car = React.createClass
render: ->
Vehicle({"doors": (4), "locked": (isLocked()), "data-colour": "red", "on": true},
React.DOM.p(null, "Which seat can I take? ", (@props?.seat or 'none'))
simply handles preprocessing Coffeescript with JSX-style markup into valid Coffeescript. Instead of using it directly, you may want to make use of one of these more high-level tools:
- coffee-react: a drop-in replacement for the
executable, for compiling CJSX. - node-cjsx:
CJSX files on the server (also possible with coffee-react/register). - coffee-reactify: bundle CJSX files via browserify, see also cjsxify.
- react-coffee-quickstart: equivalent to react-quickstart.
- sprockets preprocessor: use CJSX with Rails/Sprockets
- ruby coffee-react gem for general ruby integration
- vim plugin for syntax highlighting
- sublime text package for syntax highlighting
- mimosa plugin for the mimosa build tool
- karma preprocessor for karma test runner
cjsx-transform [input file]
Outputs Coffeescript code to stdout. Redirect it to a file or straight to the Coffeescript compiler, eg.
cjsx-transform examples/ | coffee -cs > car.js
transform = require 'coffee-react-transform'
transformed = transform('...some CJSX code...')
From npm:
npm install -g coffee-react-transform
If you want to use coffee-react-transform in the browser or under ExecJS or some other environment that doesn't support CommonJS modules, you can use this build provided by BrowserifyCDN, which will work as an AMD module or just a plain old script tag:
<script src=""></script>
<script>console.log(coffeeReactTransform('-> <a />'))</script>
which should output the CoffeeScript: -> React.DOM.a(null)
cake test
or cake watch:test
The custom file extension recently changed from .csx
to .cjsx
to avoid conflicting with an existing C# related file extension, so be sure to update your files accordingly (including changing the pragma to @cjsx
). You can also just use .coffee
as the file extension. Backwards compatibility will be maintained until the next major version.