alandball / Rollbar.NET

Rollbar for .NET

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A .NET Rollbar Client that is not ASP.NET specific.


Nuget Package Manager:

Install-Package Rollbar

Basic Usage

  • Initialize Rollbar with Rollbar.Init(new RollbarConfig("POST_SERVER_ACCESS_TOKEN"))
  • Send errors to Rollbar with Rollbar.Report(Exception)
  • Send messages to Rollbar with Rollbar.Report(string)


The RollbarConfig object allows you to configure the Rollbar library.

The access token for your project, allows you access to the Rollbar API
The Rollbar API endpoint, defaults to
Environment name, e.g. `"production"` or `"development"` defaults to `"production"`
If set to false, errors will not be sent to Rollbar, defaults to `true`
The default level of the messages sent to Rollbar
Allows you to specify a transformation function to modify the payload before it is sent to Rollbar. Use this function to add any value that is in [Request.cs](, such as the user's IP address, query string, and URL of the request.
new RollbarConfig
    Transform = payload =>
        payload.Data.Person = new Person
            Id = 123,
            Username = "rollbar",
            Email = ""
        payload.Data.CodeVersion = "2";
        payload.Data.Request = new Request()
            Url = "",
            UserIp = ""

Person Data

You can set the current person data with a call to

Rollbar.PersonData(() => new Person
    Id = 123,
    Username = "rollbar",
    Email = ""

and this person will be attached to all future Rollbar calls.

Advanced Usage

If you want more control over sending the data to Rollbar, you can fire up a RollbarClient yourself, and make the calls directly. To get started you've got exactly one interesting class to worry about: RollbarPayload. The class and the classes that compose the class cannot be constructed without all mandatory arguments, and mandatory fields cannot be set. Therefore, if you can construct a payload then it is valid for the purposes of sending to Rollbar. To get the JSON to send to Rollbar just call RollbarPayload.ToJson and stick it in the request body.

There are two other particularly interesting classes to worry about: RollbarData and RollbarBody. RollbarData can be filled out as completely or incompletely as you want, except for the Environment ("debug", "production", "test", etc) and and RollbarBody fields. The RollbarBody is where "what you're actually posting to Rollbar" lives. All the other fields on RollbarData answer contextual questions about the bug like "who saw this error" (RollbarPerson), "What HTTP request data can you give me about the error (if it happened during an HTTP Request, of course)" (RollbarRequest), "How severe was the error?" (Level). Anything you see on the rollbar api website can be found in Rollbar.NET.

RollbarBody can be constructed one of 5 ways:

  1. With a class extending from Exception, which will automatically produce a RollbarTrace object, assigning it to the Trace field of the RollbarBody.
  2. With a class extending from AggregateException, which will automatically produce an array of RollbarTrace objects for each inner exception, assigning it to the TraceChain field of RollbarBody.
  3. With an actual array of Exception objects, which will automatically produce an array of RollbarTrace objects for each exception, assigning it to the TraceChain field of RollbarBody.
  4. With a RollbarMessage object, which consists of a string and any additional keys you wish to send along. It will be assigned to the Message field of RollbarBody.
  5. With a string, which should be formatted like an iOS crash report. This library has no way to verify if you've done this correctly, but if you pass in a string it will be wrapped in a dictionary and assigned to the "raw" key and assigned to the CrashReport field of RollbarBody

None of the fields on RollbarBody are updatable, and all null fields in Rollbar.NET are left off of the final JSON payload.



To use inside an ASP.Net Application, first in your global.asax.cs and Application_Start method initialize Rollbar

protected void Application_Start()
    Rollbar.Init(new RollbarConfig
        AccessToken = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Rollbar.AccessToken"],
        Environment = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Rollbar.Environment"]

Then create a global action filter

public class RollbarExceptionFilter : IExceptionFilter
    public void OnException(ExceptionContext filterContext)
        if (filterContext.ExceptionHandled)


and finally add it to the global filters collection

private static void RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilterCollection filters)
    filters.Add(new RollbarExceptionFilter());


To use inside a Winforms Application, do the following inside your main method:

static void Main()
    Rollbar.Init(new RollbarConfig
        AccessToken = "POST_SERVER_ACCESS_TOKEN",
        Environment = "production"

    Application.ThreadException += (sender, args) =>

    AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += (sender, args) =>
        Rollbar.Report(args.ExceptionObject as System.Exception);

    Application.Run(new Form1());


Rollbar for .NET

License:MIT License


Language:C# 99.8%Language:Batchfile 0.2%