alanbsmith / palette-gen

a small app for generating color palettes

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Styled Components Starter 💅

for Heroku deployment


This is a simple starter to get you up and running with Styled Components. This is intended to provide:

  • a lightweight Webpack config (for development and production)
  • configuration for theming and fetching fonts from a CDN
  • helpful tooling for development workflow
    • Test setup with Jest and Enzyme
    • ESLint / Stylelint
  • Heroku-ready deployment setup

Up & Running

Install dependencies:

$ yarn install

Fire up a development server:

$ yarn dev

Once the server is running, you can visit http://localhost:8080/


$ npm i -g eslint eslint-watch

or if you need permissions:

$ sudo npm i -g eslint eslint-watch

To run the linter once:

$ yarn lint

To run the watch task:

$ yarn lint:watch


An initial test suite has been setup with two tests (one passing and one intentionally failing). We're using Jest and Enzyme for our test setup. The basic test setup lives in ./__tests__. The main configuration for Jest lives at the bottom of package.json. I've also added a few handy scripts, which I've listed below. Jest also gives us a test coverage tool for free, so I've added that too. The setup is at the bottom of package.json. Everything is set to 90% coverage, but your welcome to update that to whatever you'd like.

To run the tests once:

$ yarn test

To run the watch script (for only relevant test files)

$ yarn test:watch

To run the watch script (for all test files)

$ yarn test:watchAll

To view the coverage report:

$ yarn test:coverage:report


If you'd like to run the linter and tests at once (this is a nice check before pushing to Github or deploys), you can run:

$ yarn review

Production Build

To build your production assets and run the server:

$ yarn start


Looking for a particular version? View the Changelog


I am thankful for any contributions made by the community. By contributing you agree to abide by the Code of Conduct in the Contributing Guidelines




This app is set up for deployment to Heroku!

This assumes you have already have a Heroku account and have the Heroku CLI installed

$ heroku login
$ heroku create -a name-of-your-app
$ git push heroku master
$ heroku open

Heroku will follow the build command in your package.json and compile assets with It runs the Express web server in server.js.

If you're unfamiliar with Heroku deployment (or just need a refresher), they have a really great walkthrough here.


a small app for generating color palettes

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%