alabsi91 / react-js-drawer

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


  • Add native feeling to your web app and PWA by replicating Android/IOS native drawer.
  • Swipe from the screen edge to open the drawer.
  • Detect swipe momentum to open/close the drawer.
  • Swipe gestures are available for touch and mouse input.

Drawer type standard

  • Drawer type standard appears beside the page (co-planar with page content).
  • Effects the page layout.
  • When changePageWidth is enabled the drawer shares the body width with the page (the page shrinks when drawer opens).

  • When changePageWidth is disabled the drawer will push page content and add it's width to the body causing scrollbar to appear.

Drawer type modal

  • Drawer type modal appears on the top off the page.
  • deosn't effect the page layout.


npm install react-js-drawer

How to use

  • Make sure to put the drawer on the top of your main page.
  • The drawer should have one sibling element (the page) for stability reasons.
// ...
import Drawer from 'react-js-drawer';

export default function App() {
  let drawerMethods = null;

  const openDrawerHandle = () => {;

  return (
      <Drawer ref={node => (drawerMethods = node)}>{/* ... drawer content */}</Drawer>
      // wrap the page contents with container
        // ... page contents
        <button onClick={openDrawerHandle}>Open Drawer</button>


type : [ 'modal' | 'standard' ] [optional]

  • modal : the drawer appears on top of the page (deosn't effect the page layout).
  • standard : the drawer appears beside the page (effects the page layout).
  • Default Value modal

standardOptions : [Object] [optional]

  • Options for drawer type standard .
Option Description Default
changePageWidth chrink the page width to fit the drawer when it's open (co-planar with page content). false
preventPageScrolling Prevent the page from scrolling when the drawer is open. false

modalOptions : [Object] [optional]

  • Options for drawer type modal .
Option Description Default
preventPageScrolling Prevent the page from scrolling when the drawer is open. false

direction : [ 'left' | 'right' ] [optional]

  • Position the drawer on the left or on the right side of the Html page.
  • Default Value left

defaultStatus : [ 'closed' | 'open' ] [optional]

  • The initial status of the drawer.
  • Default Value closed

width : [Number] [optional]

  • The drawer width when it's open.
  • Default Value 300

handleWidth : [Number] [optional]

  • The drawer handle width, the handle is unvisible element that receive swipe gesture input.
  • Default Value 20

handleBackgroundColor : [String] [optional]

  • The drawer handle background color, use only for debuging.
  • Default Value initial

duration : [Number] [optional]

  • Drawer open and close animation duration.
  • Default Value 200

ease : [ String | Function ] [optional]

  • Drawer open and close animation transition timing function.
  • Check to learn more.
  • Default Value easeOutQuart
  • If you want to provide your own timing-function make sure that the function takes one parameter and returns one value.
function easeInQuad(x) {
  return x * x;

enableMouseGestures : [Boolean] [optional]

  • Enable open and close drawer with mouse swipe gestures.
  • Default Value false

enableTouchGestures : [Boolean] [optional]

  • Enable open and close drawer with touch swipe gestures.
  • Default Value true

backgroundColor : [Srting] [optional]

  • The background color of drawer shading layer.
  • Default Value rgba(0,0,0,0.5)

drawerStyle : [Object] [optional]

  • The drawer container style (React inline style object).
  • You can also use id or className attributes to add style from CSS StyleSheet.

onOpen : [Callback] [optional]

  • A callback fired when the drawer opens.

onClose : [Callback] [optional]

  • A callback fired when the drawer closes.

onMove : [ (percent: Number) => void ] [optional]

  • A callback fired everytime the drawer moves.
  • Takes the percent argument (0-1) that indicates the open percentage of the drawer.

zIndex : [Number] [optional]

  • Drawer wrapper element z-index css value.
  • Default Value 100


  • open()

  • close()

  • toggle()
