al20ov / bind-go-api

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Who is this project for

If you're running bind9 at home or in a small office and you're tired of having to ssh into your DNS server and edit zone files by hand, this project is for you.

Example setup

BIND9 config

One of the key features of this particular API over other BIND9 REST APIs is the ability to list all zones on the server, but for that, you need to configure your BIND server accordingly.

Here's what your named.conf should look like:

options {

statistics-channels {
	inet port 8080 allow {; };

zone "" IN {
	type master;
	file "/etc/bind/";
	allow-update {
		key "axfr.";
	zone-statistics yes;


The statistics-channels block as well as setting zone-statistics to "yes" in all of the zones you want to be able to list are what's going to make this work.

Also make sure you generate a HMAC-SHA256 TSIG key using tsig-keygen <name of the key> > <name of the key>.key and copy/include it inside named.conf.

bind-go-api config

All you have to do now is customize config.json to your own setup, and copy the tsig key name and base64 encoded secret in that same file.

Use config_example.json as an example.



Language:Go 100.0%