al1-ce / jsppext

Extension to js++ compiler

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Extension to js++ compiler

!!!Intended to use with jspp-vscode!!!


Copy jsppext into your js++ compiler location (directory with js++ executable)



D language compiler is required.

Clone repository and run dub build -b release. Dub is going to compile jsppext into bin folder.


All options for compiler (v.0.10.0) are fully translated and used in same way as js++ options with exception of -o.

Updated option -o, --output now compiles all main files in directory specified in source into directory specified after this option. Another way -o flag can be used is by specifying input as file then you can output it into either directory or file and also you can execute it.


Also jsppext changes compile output to be more readable for any linters.
Old format: [ ERROR ] ErrorCode: ErrorMessage at line Line char Pos at FileName
New format: FilePath(Line,Pos): Error[ErrorCode]: ErrorMessage.

Mainly it addresses FileName part in original output. jsppext tries to predict filepath from error based on constructed file list for compilation.
Important part is: this way of deducting filepath have a flaw in which if several files with same name have error only one will be picked (by path alphabetically).


Error linting

Insert this into your vscode build task.

"problemMatcher": [{ "owner": "js++","source": "js++","pattern": [{"file": 1, "line": 2, "column": 3, "severity": 4, "code": 5, "message": 6, "regexp": "regexp": "(.*?)\\((\\d+)\\,(\\d+)\\)\\: (Error|Warning)\\[(.*?)\\]\\: (.*)" }] }]

Or if you have jspp-vscode set up then add just:

"problemMatcher": ["$jsppext"]

Build task command

This repository includes example build task with custom problem matcher.


  • If --output option is omitted then it defaults to . path.
  • jsppext --output scans only for files with extensions jspp, js++ and jpp.
  • If source specified as filepath you can set output filepath. I.e. jsppext src/main.jpp -o js/out.js, else it's going to only change filename (jsppext src/main.jpp -o js/ -> js/main.js).
  • You cannot specify several files to compile, except if you specify directory. For that, please, use original compiler.

Custom syntax (enabled by default when using config)

jsppext adds custom syntax and pre/post-processes files to convert it into syntax that js++ compiler can process. This functionality can be disabled with -u or -unprocessed flag.
Custom functionality includes:

  • Alias injection. Allows for alias name = symbol; syntax. symbol can be anything, name must fit function/variable naming standard (can start with $ and must use alphanumeric symbols plus _)
  • String literal replacement. Originally js++ uses " and ' for strings, ` for chars, """ for multiline strings. Precompiler will allow for common usage, " for strings, ' for chars, ` for multiline strings.
  • Global module name. Declare modules on top of file with D-style syntax module name; instead of C-style module name { /* code */ }. js++ allows for only one main module per file so that syntax is better anyway.
  • Import renames. All imports now are lowercase and System renamed to std. I.e import System.Encoding now going to be import std.encoding.
  • Struct and const are aliases. Struct is now alias to Class and const is alias to final. Struct aliasing will make no difference and const is explicitly hated in js++ so precompiler just going to replace them.
  • Auto-execution of main funciton. If one of non-module files contains main function with signature void main() then it's going to be executed with injection of document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", main); at the end of file.

You can disable certain custom syntax in project config file.

Compiler configuration

Project can be initialised with jsppext --init. That will create jsppconf.yaml that is going to be references by jsppext when calling jsppext --build or jsppext --run.

Config settings

Name Type Description
name string Name of project, used to uniquely idedntify it. Must contain only ASCII alpha-numeric characters, "-" or "_".
description string Description of project.
compilerVersion string If set then certain js++ compiler version will be enforced to be used.
extensionVersion string If set then certain jsppext version will be enforced to be used.
homepage string URL of project website.
authors string[] List of project authors.
copyright string Copyright declaration.
license string License(s) under which the project can be used.
dependencies string[] !!UNUSED!!
build object[] List of build configurations.
defaultBuild string Default build configuration name.

Build settings

Name Type Description
name Name to be specified for use with jsppext --build. I.e jsppext --build imageLib.
sourcePath string Path to directory containing main file or to main file itself (any folder "source" or "src" is automatically used as a source path if no sourcePaths setting is specified).
outputPath string Path to directory or file to which compiler will output into ("js" folder in root of project will be used if outputPath is not set).
workingDirectory string !!UNUSED!!
excludedSourceFiles string[] Files that must be excluded when compiling project.
excludedDirectories string[] Directories that must be excluded when compiling project. ____jspp_temp is always excluded by default.
supressedWarnings string[] List of warnings to supress. Works only when noLint setting is off. Warning code must look like JSPPW0000
disabledSyntaxChanges string[] List of disabled syntax changes (Custom syntax) if preprocess is enabled. Accepts: "main" (main autoexec), "alias" (alias syntax), "string" (string replacement, ` to """, ' to `), "import" (import name manipulation, std.encoding.uri to System.Encoding.URI, externals.dom to Externals.DOM), "module" (changes module syntax from module Name { /* code */ } to module name; at top of file), "struct" (aliases struct to class), "const" (aliases const to final)
noLint bool If set to true then original js++ compiler output will be shown. Corresponds to -n, --nolint flag.
verbose bool If set to true then jsppext will output info about each step (scanning, preparing, etc). Corresponds to -v, --verbose flag.
debug bool If set to true then js++ will output debug files. Corresponds to -d, --debug flag.
preprocess bool If set to false then jsppext will not be preprocessing files. Corresponds to -u, --unprocessed flag.
async bool Allows usage of async/await. Must be used with preprocess enabled. Disabled by default.
enableFloat bool If set to true then jsppext will not replace float keyword with double. Disabled by default.

Await usage (disabled by default)

Please be aware that async/await is very unstable feature because of complexity of js++ compiler. async/await must be used cautiously and can be used ONLY in those cases:

  • async must be declared in function signature before type. visibility async type name() {}
  • async must be declared as function in file-scope, not method of class.
  • await must be declared before execution of named function, not delegate one. await name()

Note that preprocessor will make all functions with name of async type name() function. Same for await.

This means that your async functions must carry a unique name across modules. Otherwise they all will become async.

Also note that you cannot declare async functions inside of class due to how js++ compiles those classes.

Configuration example

name: Example Program
description: Minimal example.
authors: al1-ce
copyright: (c) 2022 al1-ce
license: MIT license
compilerVersion: 0.10.0
extensionVersion: 1.0.5
    # Test build to see that everything translates correctly
        sourcePath: src
        outputPath: js
            - src/obsolete1.jpp
            - src/obsolete2.jpp
            - JSPPW0000
            - JSPPW0001
        verbose: on
    # Release build
        sourcePath: src
        outputPath: web/js
defaultBuild: test

Usage Example

Your source tree is:

 ├─ main1.jpp
 ├─ main2.jpp
 ├─ main3.jpp
 ├─ notmain.js
 ├─ mainmod/
 │  └─ main4.jpp
 ├─ modules/
 │  ├─ innermodule1.jpp
 │  ├─ innermodule2.jpp
 │  └─ list/
 │     ├─ listmodule1.jpp
 │     └─ listmodule2.jpp
 └─ outermodule.jpp

jsppext src/ -o js/ going to compile it into:

 ├─ main1.js
 ├─ main2.js
 ├─ main3.js
 └─ mainmod/
    └─ main4.js


Original js++ compiler "doesn't like" when there's more then one main file which results in problematic situation when you have several "main" files for separate pages. Which leads to making build script where you need to keep track of each module you include per file.

jsppext is basic solution for that. It goes through all files in source and records all imports and all module declarations and automatically constructs a command for js++ compiler.

For example if you have main file main.jpp which imports System, Custom.Foo and Custom.Bar, where Custom.Bar imports Custom.Foo and Custom.Baz, Custom.Foo and Custom.Baz doesn't import anything and you have unused Custom.Faz, jspp src/ -o js/ is going to construct a command js++ src/main.jpp src/custom/foo.jpp src/custom/bar.jpp src/custom/baz.jpp -o js/main.js. This output command includes only main file, modules that this main file imports and modules that imported in modules (accounted for recursion). And so, even if you have many main files, jsppext is going to pick only things that is needed.

Plus now I'm able to extend syntax and make js++ feel more refined and unique as language.


Extension to js++ compiler

License:MIT License


Language:D 99.7%Language:Shell 0.3%