akve / tuba-next


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Tech Overview

  • Deployment perspective: -- Docker compose -- Git CI / CD -- monorepo
  • Technical -- headless API -- NodeJS + TypeScript + typescript-rest -- DB -- Postgres -- TypeORM -- models -- entities / db structure -- super-basic business logic -- DTO -- crawler -- Bull queue manager between API as orchestrator and crawlers -> redis -- HTML - puppeteer emulator
  • manual import: -- 1. "take" the raw data -- 2. transforms to CSV -- 3. CSV to internal db structures -- 4. Calculations -- frontend: -- NextJS application (with React) -- "public part" separate from "backoffices / admin" (?) -- MobX for data storage -- UI is based on Argon template from CreativeTim


  1. yarn in root folder (Lerna handles different yarns inside packages)
  2. Locally, need to have Postgres and Redis (on port 6379)
  3. Run api: cd api; yarn swagger; yarn dev
  4. Run seed yarn seed:run
  5. Run crawlers yarn start
  6. Run frontend (next): yarn dev






Language:CSS 57.5%Language:TypeScript 28.2%Language:SCSS 12.2%Language:JavaScript 1.9%Language:Shell 0.2%Language:HTML 0.1%Language:Dockerfile 0.0%