akure / interchain-swap-review

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Interchain swap


This codebase is the minimal demo to test interchain query and ica txs with osmosis chain.

Developer Documentation

Interchain Queries developer docs can be found here https://github.com/strangelove-ventures/async-icq/blob/main/README.md

Medium blog - https://link.medium.com/a70uOK1cFwb


Start the instance of interchain-swapd

ignite chain serve -c sender.yml --reset-once

Start the instance of osmosisd

sh start_osmosisd.sh

Setup osmosis pool

Create a new liquidity pool and provide initial liquidity to it.

osmosisd tx gamm create-pool --pool-file="./pool.json"
  "weights": "5stake,5uosmo",
  "initial-deposit": "100000000stake,1000000uosmo",
  "swap-fee": "0.002",
  "exit-fee": "0.0",
  "future-governor": "168h"

Initialize connection and start hermes for ICA relayer

sh hermes_init.sh
sh network/hermes/start.sh

Configure and start the icq relayer

rm -rf ~/.ignite/relayer
ignite relayer configure -a \
--source-rpc "http://localhost:26659" \
--source-faucet "http://localhost:4500" \
--source-port "interquery" \
--source-gasprice "0.0stake" \
--source-gaslimit 5000000 \
--source-prefix "cosmos" \
--source-version "icq-1" \
--target-rpc "http://localhost:26559" \
--target-faucet "http://localhost:4501" \
--target-port "icqhost" \
--target-gasprice "0.0stake" \
--target-gaslimit 300000 \
--target-prefix "cosmos"  \
--target-version "icq-1"
ignite relayer connect

Send the query to "receiver" chain

interchain-swapd tx interquery send-query-osmosis-price channel-0 cosmos1ez43ye5qn3q2zwh8uvswppvducwnkq6w6mthgl --chain-id=sender --node=tcp://localhost:26659 --home ~/.sender --from alice
interchain-swapd query interquery query-price-state 1 --chain-id=sender --node=tcp://localhost:26659

Create interchain account

interchain-swapd tx interquery register-ica channel-1 ""

Query interchain account address

interchain-swapd query interquery query-ica [connection-id] [owner]

Send tokens to interchain-account

osmosisd tx bank send bob $ICA_ADDRESS 10000000uosmo --keyring-backend=test

Send ICA swap tx

interchain-swapd tx interquery swap-exact-amount-in [connection-id] [token-in] [token-out-min-amount] --pool-id --from --chain-id


interchain-swapd tx interquery swap-exact-amount-in connection-0 100000stake 1400 --swap-route-pool-ids 1 --swap-route-denoms uosmo --from WALLET_NAME --chain-id osmosis-1



Language:Go 98.3%Language:Shell 1.7%