aksperiod / Marquee3G

Marquees for the new millennium (using GSAP)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


There's Marquee3K, but this one's 3G. A Work in Progress™ but it's working.

There's a vanila/non-GSAP version: Marquee3000

If you want to use it in its current state just do the following:

A Marquee's HTML must be structured like:

<div class="marquee">
  <!-- You must have only a single container element, you can use any classname -->
  <div class="marquee-container">
    <!-- Whatever marquee contents you want -->

If you want to just initialise ALL .marquee or a custom selector:

import Marquee from '/path/to/Marquee3G';

// Note that you must define "gsap" to which one youre using
// either TimelineLite or TimelineMax
  selector: '.marquee', // default: .marquee
  gsap: TimelineLite // required! you must specify which GSAP you're using

If you want more flexibility then you can also do your own init

import Marquee from '/path/to/Marquee3G';

const marquees = document.querySelectorAll('.marquee');

marquees.forEach(elem => {
  const marqueeName = elem.dataset.name;
  const marquee = new Marquee({
    element: elem, // required! the DOMElement
    gsap: TimelineLite, // required!
    name: marqueeName // optional: the name of the marquee


Marquee methods All marquee instances are stored within a window.Marquees labelled by its index or a custom name if you have specified it in an instance's options when initialised.

For example you have a Marquee named "footer-marquee" then you can just do the following methods when necessary:

// Destroys the marquee and reverts back to original state

// Refreshes the marquee. For example, you change the font size/width of its contents

That's all for now


Marquees for the new millennium (using GSAP)


Language:JavaScript 100.0%