akshayrdeodhar / gpuloadbalancing

Load balancing GPU tasks across GPU-connected CPU nodes

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Simple Process Dumper

  • All nodes share a common NFS for storing dumped processes. Path of the NFS is known to all.

  • Agent runs on all nodes

    • Serves one socket (for calls from our "runtime"), to be made by programs which want to be frozen
    • Serves another socket (for calls from the "master" or from an authorized client, instructing it to restore a process from some URI)
  • Simplification: Whatever can be easily dumped, will be dumped, not complications for now. We are not responsible for moving any files over- if you can manage to have a shared filesystem do it- this tool offers no guarentees.

  • Note: the "sockets" could be replaced by an RPC API- cleaner, and easier to interact with.

  • We have a master that either monitors some common state store (better) or the agents call the master when they are freezing a program to let it know that

NFS Setup

  • Install nfs
	pacman -S nfs
  • Modify /etc/nfs.conf to specify the hostnames on which to serve the nfs server
  • Modify /etc/exports to specify the directory subtree to export, and the users to whom access is to be provided. eg.
	$cat /etc/exports
	/home/akshay/Desktop/dumpdir	*(rw,sync)
	# provide synchronous read-write access to the subtree /home/akshay/Desktop/dumpdir
  • Start the nfs server, and export directories:
	systemctl start nfs-server.service
	exportfs -r
  • Mount NFS at same path on all nodes in our "load balancing cluster"
	mount -t nfs <central server ip address on lan>:/home/akshay/Desktop/dumpdir /mnt/dump
  • Bind mount to same path on the node which is serving the nfs export
	mount --bind /home/akshay/Desktop/dumpdir /mnt/dump

- Now, everyone sees the same files at /mnt/dump

- Now, shared files accessible at /mnt/dump- because its just one server, you get unix semantics. 


Load balancing GPU tasks across GPU-connected CPU nodes


Language:C 83.2%Language:Shell 16.8%