akshatnitd / Welcome-Foolish-Mortals

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Welcome Foolish Mortals

An Audio memory game

Welcome Foolish Mortals is an audio visual Memory game inspired by the popular Disney theme park attraction, The Haunted Mansion.

Image of game

The target audience for this game is Disney fans, particularly fans of The Haunted Mansion, and fans of memory games. As the ride can be a little spooky, some of the sounds and images in the game may spook younger players so it is recommended for ages 8+.


Player goals

The main target audience for Welcome Foolish Mortals is fans of memory games and fans of Disney Theme Parks, especially for The Haunted Mansion. Although the game can be enjoyed by everyone younger audiences may find it a little spooky, so it is recommended for ages 8+.

Players goals are:

  • A game that is fun and exciting to play.
  • Easy to use controls on all devices.
  • Have clear rules for the game for those that need them.
  • Get clear feedback on the Number of turns the player is on.
  • Get clear feedback on the users Highest Score.
  • Visually rewarding images themed around The Haunted Mansion.

Developer Goals are:

  • To create a fun game interactive game that myself and my friends can enjoy.
  • To encorporate elements of my favourite attraction at Disney into a project.
  • To design and develop a project using new-found skills in JavaScript and JQuery.

User Stories

As a fan of memory games I want to:

  • Play a fun game.
  • Find clear, easy to follow instructions on gameplay.
  • Be able to access the instruktions from any page.
  • Have clear audio and visual cues which show where I have clicked.
  • Be able to play with and without audio.
  • Be able to choose my difficulty level.
  • Be able to track my progress while playing.
  • Be able to see my past highest scores.
  • To be able to contact the maker of the game with feedback.

As well as the above stories, as a fan of The Haunted Mansion I also want to:

  • Play a fun game inspired by the Disney attraction.
  • Select a character from the attraction to play as.
  • Find ‘easter-eggs’ linking to the attraction.


The audio, colors, fonts and styling all take inspiration from The Haunted Mansion.


All fonts are provided by Google fonts.

Cormorant Upright example

Pathway Gothic One example


The favicon taken from favicon.io and the open source project Twemoji.

All other icons are provided by Font Awesome. These icons have been chosen as they are easy to recognise and are widely understood.


The Haunted Mansion has a clear, easily identifiable color palette.


The background color for the header, footer and sidebar tie in with the background.

The color of the text stands out against the background.

The colors of the boxes are the most identifiable colors from the attractions theming.

Many thanks to color-hex.com and user Lazaefair for help with sourcing the color palette.


The Home screen background image is of the outside of the Haunted Mansion attraction inviting players in to the game. The Background of the game is of the iconic Haunted Mansion wallpaper.

Avatar images

The avatar images chosen are the four infamous stretching room paintings (or the three hitchhiking ghosts tbc) and will appeal to any fan of the attraction.


Audio files

The notes used in the gameplay are taken from the attractions soundtrack - Grim Grinning Ghosts. These are A, E, D# and B.


The Wireframes for this project were created during the planning and design phase using Balsamiq.



Existing Features

Home page

When the Home page loads the player is prompted to:

  • Choose which character to play as.
  • Choose which difficulty level they want to play.

Once both a character and difficulty level have been chosen the user will be redirected to the game screen.

The Home page will not feature a logo as the games name is the opening text.

The navigation bar will be visible so players can mute/unmute the music.

Footer tab

The footer will feature copyright information and a link to contact the developer.

Gameplay pages

Header and Navigation Bar

Returning to traditional website design the top left of the page will feature a logo which links to the Home page.

The right of the page will feature a navigation bar of easily identifiable icons.

  • The Home icon - Allows the player to navigate back to the Home page to Change their character and/or the difficulty level.
  • The Questionmark icon - Allows the player to re-read the rules of the game and select a different level if preferred.
  • The Music icon - Allows the player to mute and unmute the games sound.

Player info display

The left hand side of the page (desktop) or top of the page (mobile/tablet) will display a dashboard showing the players:

  • Selected character
  • Highest score (highest number of repeated patterns)

It will also display the different difficulty levels (easy, medium and hard) highlighting the current selected paying level.

Game board

The background of the game board is the classic wallpaper of The Haunted Mansion.

The four buttons for the game are each colored to the attractions color scheme. Each button will feature a slight box shadow to give the impression of elevation from the background.

During the computers turn and when on the players click each button will change transparency/use a gradient effect to make the button appear to light up. This clearly shows the player where they are clicking and allows the player to play with sound muted if preferred.

Turns counter

The turns Counter allows the user to keep track on how they are progressing through that difficulty level.

The game does not end when they reach the required number of turns to complete the level. It continues allowing the player to try and also beat their highest score!

Win modal

The win modal features fun text inspired by the script from the attraction.

If on easy mode the modal will link to the medium and hard levels, if on medium it will link to the hard level.

Lose modal

The lose modal features fun text inspired by the script from the attraction.

The modal will encourage the user to retry the level and link to this.

Contact page

The contact page will not feature a logo, only the navigation bar.

A simple contact form will be available for any suggest

Future Features

Difficulty level only on one page with the difficulty increasing over time (time between sound getting quicker). Player being able to create an account to log username, chosen avatar and Highest Score. Multiplayer setting (versus, one after the other). Unlock rewards e.g. play as other characters.

Features Left to Implement

Technologies Used

This project uses HTML, CSS and JavaScript programming languages.



Google Fonts

Font Awesome





  • When creating the dashboard the text continued to scroll despite position being fixed. Solved - changed the calc value on the section element which caused content to remain stationary.

  • Linking audio files to buttons - originally JavaScript was not playing the html sourced audio on button clicks. Solved - Moved where the audio is taken from index.html to JavaScript variables.

  • Audio was not playing consistently for repeated notes, e.g. if the sequence was 1, 1, 1 the audio would only trigger play, mute, play. Solved - shortened the length of the audio to allow for retrigger time between notes.

  • Reset button was causing a new sequence to trigger on to of the existing sequence. Solved - On reset button click all sequences are reset and the player must manually restart the game by hitting the start button.



The themeing for this website has taken inspiration from The Walt Disney Company's popular attraction The Haunted Mansion. All likeness is for educational purposes only.




The Haunted Mansion is owned and operated by The Walt Disney Company. Images and themes linking to The Haunted Mansion are used for educational purposes only.




  • The CI tutor support team, in particular Igor_ci.



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