akshatnitd / DAFTPUNK-resubmission

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


user centric milestone project

  • DAFT PUNK.ie is a website made for daft punks fans to allow them to buy some of daft punks merch and also learn about daft punks past and listen to their music


  1. Project Goals
  • The main goal of DAFT PUNK is to provide a landing page for the artist duo DAFT PUNKs music and merch. Also this website allows existing fans and new fans to find out more about DAFT PUNK and their history so they can really connect with the duo . DAFT PUNK.ie has one main target audience and its their fans.
  1. Goals of Business
  • The main goal for the business is to direct the user to the merch section of the website and also provide the customer with a way to view the duo's recent albums. And give them a sneak peak of the music in the album.
  1. User stories
  • client stories

    1. As a new visitor to the website I want to navigate the site with ease and no confusion.

    2. As a new visitor to the website I want to be able to view the merch after I click the merch call to action button

    3. As a new visitor to the website I want to be able to connect with the artist by looking at the about section.

    4. As a new visitor to the website I want to be able to press play and view the audio player

    5. As a new visitor to the website I want to be able to be sent to Spotify if the Spotify icon is clicked

    6. As a new visitor to the website I want to be able to be linked to the official daft punk shop when I click view under the merch product

    7. As a new visitor to the website I want to be able to link to each social media in the footer.

  1. Wireframe


  2. fonts

    • use of Russo One, Anton, Exo, Raleway
    • all from Google fonts
  3. colours

    • Ive mainly used the colours black and white as daft punk are famous for using both of these colours
  4. styling

    • i have used allot of corners and black and white features in this website to connect this website with daft punks style
    • also using a box pattern feature in the albums section


  • navigation transparent to colour

    • this allows the user to better see the navigation throughout the site
  • navigation click to scroll using anchors

    • this allows the user a better understanding and ease of use to the website
  • popup after play album is clicked

    • after you click the play button the popup is displayed and a audio player is on display also a close button for ease of use
  • audio player in popup

    • after popup is clicked a user can play the music on the audio player
  • about section

    • allows the user to find out more about the artists and their history
  • albums section

    • shows the user a few of daft punks most famous albums and allows the user to listen to one
  • merch section

    • 3 of daft punk official merch products have buttons bellow to link them to the daftpunk website where they can be purchased



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