akoven / binary_search_longPractice

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Long Practice: Binary Trees

Set up

Download the starter at the bottom of this page

Learning Goals

  • Construct a Binary Search Tree
  • Search for data in a Binary Search Tree in logarithmic time
  • Describe the properties and functionality of a Binary Tree
  • Describe the properties and functionality of a Tree
  • Traverse a Binary Tree in pre-order, in-order and post-order
  • Traverse and Search a Tree in both Depth and Breadth-First order
  • Solve coding challenges involving trees

Part 1: Practice Problems

Now that you've gotten a hang of tree traversal, lets try putting that knowledge to use. Be sure to inspect the test files and follow Polya's problem solving framework to understand the problems.

Starter file is located at tree-practice.js

Find Min/Max of Binary Search Tree

Fill out findMinBST and findMaxBST which take in the root node of a binary search tree and returns the min and max value respectively.

You should be able to solve this in O(log n) time.

Find Min/Max of Binary Tree

Fill out findMinBT and findMaxBT which take in the root node of a binary tree and returns the min and max value respectively.

How does this differ from finding the min value in a binary search tree? What is the time complexity of this operation?

Get Height

Fill out getHeight which takes the root node of a binary tree and returns the tree's height. The height of a tree is the number of edges between the root and its furthest leaf.


           / \
          3   2

    Output: 2

Count Nodes

Fill out countNodes which takes the root node of a binary tree and returns the number of nodes contained in the tree.

Balanced Binary Tree

Given a binary tree, determine if it is height-balanced.

A height-balanced binary tree is defined as a binary tree in which the left and right subtrees of every node differ in height by no more than 1.


    Input:              Output: True, height of left is 1, while right is 2
         / \
        9  20
          /  \
         15  7

    Input:              Output: False, height of left is 3, while right is 1
         / \
        2   2
       / \
      3   3
     / \
    4   4

Get Parent Node

Fill out getParentNode which takes the root node of a binary tree and a target value and returns the node that points to the target value.

If the target cannot be found in the tree, getParentNode should return undefined.

If the target is in the tree but has no parent, getParentNode should return null.

In-Order Predecessor

Fill out inOrderPredecessor which takes the root node of a binary tree and a target value and returns the node that comes before the target value in an in-order traversal.

If the target is the first value in an in-order traversal, return null.

    target: 4
        /   \
       2     6
      / \   / \
     1   3 5   7

    Output: 3

Delete Node in a Binary Search Tree

Fill out inOrderPredecessor which takes the root node of a binary tree and a target, and deletes the target node.

To delete a node with no children, set its parent's pointer to null.

To delete a node with one child, replace it with it's child. This operation is similar to deleting a node in a linked list.

To delete a node with two children, replace the target node's value with its in-order predecessor, then delete the in-order predecessor. You may need to do some additional research for details on this operation.

If the target value is not in the tree, return undefined.


    Tree:               Target: 5
           / \
          3   6
         / \   \
        2   4   7

           / \
          3   6
         /     \
        2       7



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