akoua / ansible

I learn ansible

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Setup machine

Create machine (Macbook chip M1/M2)

Configure ssh

  • On your virtual machine(Managed Node), you could create a new user likewise root use, and configure a ssh for his home folder like this:
    • $ adduser new_username
      $ passwd new_username
      $ mkdir - /home/new_username/.ssh
      $ su - new_username 
      $ ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -b 521 (install ssh before, if it's not the case)
      $ cat .ssh/userkey.pub | tee /home/new_username/.ssh/authorized_keys
      $ chown -R nom_user:new_username /home/new_username/.ssh/
      $ journalctl --since "15 minutes ago" _COMM=sshd (to inspect ssh connexion log)
  • On your Control Node
    • Create too ssh, like on the Managed Node
      $ ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -b 521
    • after that you can check that your Control Node, communicate with your Managed Node
    $ ssh new_username@Managed_node_IP (you must specify the user new_username password) 
    • If it's fine you could export your ssh key, from Control Node to Managed Node
    $ ssh-copy-id new_username@Managed_node_IP
    • You could verify in Managed Node, that the public key is add in file /home/new_username/.ssh/authorized_keys like this
    $ cat /home/new_username/.ssh/authorized_keys
  • Verify that from your Control Node, you can communicate with ansible to a Managed Node
    • Install python ton Managed Node, if it's not the case
    • Use this command, from Control Node
    $ ansible -i "Managed_node_IP," all -m ping
  • You can named the Managed Node, by modifying a ssh config file
    • verify that, file .ssh/confg exist
    • Modifying it, like this
      HOST node_name
      Hostname Managed_node_IP
      USER new_username
    • Now you can, connect to a Managed Node with ssh like this
    $ ssh new_username@node_name


I learn ansible