akkupy / akkupy

Github Intro

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Heyy There, I'm Akash 👋!

CSE Student at College Of Engineering Chengannur

Twitter Follow Linkedin: Akash website GitHub followers

👇 Hit in your console or terminal to connect with me.

npx akkupy

👆 This command line tool can be found at npx akkupy

A little more about me...

akash = {
    code: [ "Python","C","Java","C++",],
    askMeAbout: ["Cyber Security", "Web Dev", "Tech", "Networking", "Android"],
    technologies: {
        backEnd: {
            python: ["Django","Flask"]
        frontEnd: {
            css: ["Css3"],
            html: ["Html5"]
        linux: {
           debian: ["Bash Scripting"] 
        devOps: ["AWS", "Docker🐳", "Nginx"],
        databases: ["MySql"],
        misc: ["Firebase"]
    currentFocus: "Django",
    funFact: "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works"

I love connecting with different people so if you want to say hi, I'll be happy to meet you more! 😊


Github Intro


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