akinsho / phoenix-kitty

A go script to save the current kitty state to a session file

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Phoenix Kitty

This is a golang take on the kitty-save-session python script.

If you've been using that for a while there's probably no need to use this instead as it does the same thing.


  • go


For now you need to build the binary yourself using go build, this should output a phoenix-kitty binary you can then run that using ./phoenix-kitty which should output a kitty session file based on your current session called session.conf by default.

You can pass the program some arguments to change its behaviour

  • -vim will output a vim modeline for the session file
  • -source will read the kitty state from a json file e.g. one previously output from kitty
  • -filename will allow you to change the name of the file that is output


A go script to save the current kitty state to a session file


Language:Go 100.0%