akimich11 / dma-bmi-bot

Telegram bot for managing polls, queues and skips tracking in university

Home Page:https://t.me/dma_bmi_bot

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Make your university life easier with this Telegram bot!

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What can this bot do?

Skip-tracking features

  • get skips of one user

  • get skips of all users

  • (admin only) set skips of one user

  • (admin only) increment skips for many users (by last names)


Poll features

  • tag users who didn't vote

  • print poll stats (/stats command)

  • order voters by last name (built-in for all commands)

  • (admin only) create polls

    just send poll to bot: it will create a copy of poll, send it to group chat and pin it

  • (akim only) create schedule and send polls every week automatically

Timetable features

  • print university timetable depending on department of user who made a request


Greeting features

  • send congrats for user in his birthday


Queue features

  • get queues list

  • get users list in queue

  • sign-up to queue

  • sign-up to particular place in queue (if it's free)

  • change position in queue

  • leave queue

  • leave queue and decrement queue positions

  • (admin only) add queue

  • (admin only) clear queue

  • (admin only) remove queue

  • (admin only) kick first user from queue and shift


How to test the bot locally?

  1. Install PostgreSQL: https://www.postgresql.org/download/.
  2. Create user postgres with password postgres (to use other credentials, edit settings.py).
  3. Create dma_bmi_test database with public schema in it.
  4. Run the following script:
create sequence queue_id_seq
  as integer;

create sequence user_queue_id_seq
  as integer;

create sequence poll_option_id_seq
  as integer;

create sequence user_vote_id_seq
  as integer;

create table departments
  id      integer not null
      constraint department_pk
          primary key,
  chat_id integer,
  name    text


create table polls
  id            char(50) not null
      constraint poll_pk
          primary key,
  department_id integer
      constraint poll_department_id_fk
          references departments
          on update cascade on delete cascade,
  question      text,
  created_at    timestamp

create table users
  id             integer not null
      constraint user_pk
          primary key,

  first_name     text,
  last_name      varchar(20),
  department_id  integer
      constraint user_department_id_fk
          references departments
          on update cascade on delete cascade,
  sub_department char(3),
  is_admin       smallint,
  skips_month    integer,
  skips_semester integer,
  birthday       timestamp

create unique index user_last_name_uindex
  on users (last_name);

create table queues
  id            integer default nextval('queue_id_seq'::regclass) not null
      constraint queue_pk
          primary key,
  department_id integer
      constraint queue_department_id_fk
          references departments
          on update cascade on delete cascade,
  name          text,
  is_last       smallint

alter sequence queue_id_seq owned by queues.id;

create table scheduled_polls
  id            integer not null
      constraint poll_schedule_pk
          primary key,
  department_id integer
      constraint poll_schedule_department_id_fk
          references departments
          on update cascade on delete cascade,
  question      text,
  is_multi      smallint,
  weekday       char(9),
  utc_time      timestamp

create table poll_options
  id      integer default nextval('poll_option_id_seq'::regclass) not null
      constraint poll_option_pk
          primary key,
  poll_id char(50)
      constraint poll_option_poll_id_fk
          references polls
          on update cascade on delete cascade,
  text    text

alter sequence poll_option_id_seq owned by poll_options.id;

create table queue_positions
  id       integer default nextval('user_queue_id_seq'::regclass) not null
      constraint user_queue_pk
          primary key,
  user_id  integer
      constraint user_queue_user_id_fk
          references users
          on update cascade on delete cascade,
  queue_id integer
      constraint user_queue_queue_id_fk
          references queues
          on update cascade on delete cascade,
  position integer

alter sequence user_queue_id_seq owned by queue_positions.id;

create table users_poll_options
  id        integer default nextval('user_vote_id_seq'::regclass) not null
      constraint user_vote_pk
          primary key,
  user_id   integer
      constraint user_vote_user_id_fk
          references users
          on update cascade on delete cascade,
  option_id integer
      constraint user_vote_poll_option_id_fk
          references poll_options
          on update cascade on delete cascade

alter sequence user_vote_id_seq owned by users_poll_options.id;

create table timetables
  id             serial
      constraint timetables_pk
          primary key,
  department_id  integer
      constraint timetables_departments_id_fk
          references departments
          on update cascade on delete cascade,
  sub_department varchar(255) default NULL::character varying,
  weekday        varchar(255),
  start_time     time,
  subject        varchar(255),
  auditory       varchar(255),
  type           char
  1. Fill database with some test data.

We recommend adding your Telegram id to departments table in chat_id field. This allows you to test all commands within your own bot chat.

  1. Run the following command
python __main__.py

By default, script uses https://t.me/famcs_timetable_bot for tests, but you can change bot token in settings.py and use your own bot.

  1. Press start in bot chat and enjoy!


Telegram bot for managing polls, queues and skips tracking in university



Language:Python 99.9%Language:Procfile 0.1%