A PoW blockchain written in 60 lines of Javascript
JeChain is a proof-of-work blockchain created using Javascript in just 60 lines of code.
JeChain was created for educational purposes, so you can learn the basics of blockchains through JeChain.
No, proof-of-work is extremely outdated, JeChain is slow as well since it's written in Javascript, and the thing has no modern feature you would expect from a blockchain platform. It should only stay as an educational project.
Create an entry file (index.js for example)
Here are some features of JeChain, read the usage and start coding:
const { Block, Blockchain, JeChain } = require("./jechain.js");
// Block is a class for creating blocks.
// Blockchain is the blockchain class, which means you can inherit this class and upgrade JeChain if you want.
// JeChain is a "Blockchain" object, which is ready to use.
// JeChain.chain // The whole chain
// JeChain.difficulty // The difficulty
// JeChain.getLastBlock() // The latest block
// JeChain.isValid() // "true" if chain is valid, "false" otherwise.
// new Block(timestamp /*string - "optional"*/, data /*array - "optional"*/) // Creates a new "Block" object.
// JeChain.addBlock(block) // Mines the block and add the block to the chain.
// A transaction example:
JeChain.addBlock(new Block(Date.now().toString(), [{ from: "nguyenphuminh", to: "girlfriend", amount: 100 }]));
// Note that this is only an example, transactions often need more steps before being pushed to the chain.
JeChain is actually used as a tutorial on dev.to
This is actually based on a blockchain that I created a while ago while learning from Simply Explained, so be sure to check them out on Youtube.
Copyrights (c) 2021 Nguyen Phu Minh.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.