akimdi / linux-soft-exploit-suggester

Search Exploitable Software on Linux

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


linux-soft-exploit-suggester finds exploits for all vulnerable software in a system helping with the privilege escalation. It focuses on software packages instead of Kernel vulnerabilities. It uses exploit database to evaluate the security of packages and search for exploits, so you should download it on first run.

> python linux-soft-exploit-suggester.py -h

  |  _         __ _  _ |    _    _ | _  |    __    __  __  _  __ |   _  _
  |·| || |\/  (_ | ||_ |-  /_)\/| \|| |·|-  (_ | ||  )|  )/_)(_  |- /_)|
  ||| ||_|/\  __)|_||  |_  \_ /\|_/||_|||_  __)|_||_/ |_/ \_ __) |_ \_ |
                                |                 _/  _/

  Search for Exploitable Software from package list.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit
  -f FILE, --file FILE  Package list file
  --clean               Use clean package list, if used 'dpkg-query -W'
  --duplicates          Show duplicate exploits
  --db DB               Exploits csv file [default: file.csv]
  --update              Download latest version of exploits db
  -d debian|redhat, --distro debian|redhat
                        Linux flavor, debian or redhat [default: debian]
  --dos                 Include DoS exploits
  --intense             Include intense package name search,
                        when software name doesn't match package name (experimental)
  -l 1-5, --level 1-5   Software version search variation [default: 1]                        
                          level 1: Same version                        
                          level 2: Micro and Patch version                        
                          level 3: Minor version                        
                          level 4: Major version                        
                          level 5: All versions
  --type TYPE           Exploit type; local, remote, webapps, dos.
                          e.g.	--type local
                        	--type remote
  --filter FILTER       Filter exploits by string
                          e.g.	--filter "escalation"

usage examples:     
  Get Package List:
	debian/ubuntu: dpkg -l > package_list
	redhat/centos: rpm -qa > package_list

  Update exploit database:
	python linux-soft-exploit-suggester.py --update

  Basic usage:
	python linux-soft-exploit-suggester.py --file package_list

  Specify exploit db:
	python linux-soft-exploit-suggester.py --file package_list --db file.cve

  Use Redhat/Centos format file:
	python linux-soft-exploit-suggester.py --file package_list --distro redhat

  Search exploit for major version:
	python linux-soft-exploit-suggester.py --file package_list --level 4

  Filter by remote exploits:
	python linux-soft-exploit-suggester.py --file package_list --type remote

  Search specific words in exploit title:
	python linux-soft-exploit-suggester.py --file package_list --filter Overflow

  Advanced usage:
	python linux-soft-exploit-suggester.py --file package_list --level 3 --type local --filter escalation


> python linux-soft-exploit-suggester.py --file packages --db file.csv

  |  _         __ _  _ |    _    _ | _  |    __    __  __  _  __ |   _  _
  |·| || |\/  (_ | ||_ |-  /_)\/| \|| |·|-  (_ | ||  )|  )/_)(_  |- /_)|
  ||| ||_|/\  __)|_||  |_  \_ /\|_/||_|||_  __)|_||_/ |_/ \_ __) |_ \_ |
                                |                 _/  _/

[+] DNSTracer 1.9 - Buffer Overflow - local
	 From: dnstracer 1.9
	 File: /usr/share/exploitdb/platforms/linux/local/42424.py
	 Url: https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/42424
[+] GNU Wget < 1.18 - Arbitrary File Upload / Remote Code Execution - remote
	 From: wget 1.17.1
	 File: /usr/share/exploitdb/platforms/linux/remote/40064.txt
	 Url: https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/40064
[+] GNU Screen 4.5.0 - Privilege Escalation (PoC) - local
	 From: screen 4.3.1
	 File: /usr/share/exploitdb/platforms/linux/local/41152.txt
	 Url: https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/41152
[+] Ghostscript 9.21 - Type Confusion Arbitrary Command Execution (Metasploit) - local
	 From: ghostscript 9.21
	 File: /usr/share/exploitdb/platforms/linux/local/41955.rb
	 Url: https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/41955
[+] KeepNote 0.7.8 - Command Execution - local
	 From: keepnote 0.7.8
	 File: /usr/share/exploitdb/platforms/multiple/local/40440.py
	 Url: https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/40440
[+] MAWK 1.3.3-17 - Local Buffer Overflow - local
	 From: mawk 1.3.3
	 File: /usr/share/exploitdb/platforms/linux/local/42357.py
	 Url: https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/42357
[+] Sudo 1.8.20 - 'get_process_ttyname()' Privilege Escalation - local
	 From: sudo 1.8.20
	 File: /usr/share/exploitdb/platforms/linux/local/42183.c
	 Url: https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/42183


Generate package list


dpkg -l > package_list

Red Hat

rpm -qa > package_list

TIP. Packages from running processes and SETUID binaries

Running packages
> for i in $(ps auex|sed -e ':l;s/  / /g;t l'|cut -d' ' -f11|grep -v '\['|grep '/'|sort -u); \
  do \
  dpkg -l | grep "^ii  `dpkg -S $i 2>&1|cut -d':' -f1`" |tee -a potentials; \
SETUID Binaries
> for i in $(find / -perm -4000 -o -perm -2000 -type f 2>/dev/null); \
  do \
  dpkg -l | grep "^ii  `dpkg -S $i 2>&1|cut -d':' -f1`"|tee -a potentials; \
Eliminate duplicates and Run
> sort -u potentials > potentials_no_duplicates
> python linux-soft-exploit-suggester.py --file potentials_no_duplicates --level 2 --type local

  |  _         __ _  _ |    _    _ | _  |    __    __  __  _  __ |   _  _
  |·| || |\/  (_ | ||_ |-  /_)\/| \|| |·|-  (_ | ||  )|  )/_)(_  |- /_)|
  ||| ||_|/\  __)|_||  |_  \_ /\|_/||_|||_  __)|_||_/ |_/ \_ __) |_ \_ |
                                |                 _/  _/

[+] Sudo 1.8.20 - 'get_process_ttyname()' Privilege Escalation - local
	 From: sudo 1.8.20
	 File: /usr/share/exploitdb/platforms/linux/local/42183.c
	 Url: https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/42183
[+] Fuse 2.9.3-15 - Privilege Escalation - local
	 From: fuse 2.9.7
	 File: /usr/share/exploitdb/platforms/linux/local/37089.txt
	 Url: https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/37089


Search Exploitable Software on Linux

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%