akbarali1 / fluent_query_builder

A dart library that allows you to execute SQL queries in the PostgreSQL database in a fluent way, is very easy to execute.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Build Status


A dart library that allows you to execute SQL queries in the PostgreSQL and MySql database in a fluent way, is very easy to execute. This library implements POOL of connections. This lib implements the vast majority of SQL statements and clauses

Soon it will also support ORM without reflection and without code generation in a simple and consistent way.


A simple query builder usage example:

import 'package:fluent_query_builder/fluent_query_builder.dart';

void main() {
  //PostgreSQL connection information
  final pgsqlCom = DBConnectionInfo(
    host: 'localhost',
    database: 'banco_teste',
    driver: ConnectionDriver.pgsql,
    port: 5432,
    username: 'user',
    password: 'pass',
    charset: 'utf8',
    schemes: ['public'],

  //MySQL connection information
  final mysqlCom = DBConnectionInfo(
    host: 'localhost',
    database: 'banco_teste',
    driver: ConnectionDriver.mysql,
    port: 3306,
     username: 'user',
    password: 'pass',
    charset: 'utf8',

  DbLayer().connect(mysqlCom).then((db) {
    //mysql insert
        .set('nome', 'Isaque Neves Sant\'Ana')
        .set('telefone', '(22) 2771-6265')
        .then((result) => print('mysql insert $result'));

    //mysql update
        .set('nome', 'João')
        .where('id=?', 13)
        .then((result) => print('mysql update $result'));

    //mysql update with setAll
        .whereSafe('id', '=', 13)
          'nome': 'Jon Doe',
          'telefone': '171171171',
        .then((result) => print('mysql update with setAll $result'));

    //mysql delete
    .where('id=?', 14)
    .then((result) => print('mysql delete $result'));

    //mysql select
        //.fields(['login', 'idSistema', 's.sigla'])
        //.fieldRaw('SELECT COUNT(*)')
        .whereSafe('nome', 'like', '%Sant\'Ana%')
        .then((result) => print('mysql select $result'));

    //mysql raw query SELECT * FROM `pessoas` or SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pessoas
        .raw("SELECT * FROM `pessoas`")
        .then((result) => print('mysql raw $result'));
    //mysql count records 
        .orWhereSafe('nome', 'like', '%Sant\'Ana%')
        .orWhereSafe('id', '<', 20)
        .then((result) => print('mysql count $result'));

  DbLayer().connect(pgsqlCom).then((db) {
    //pgsql insert
        .set('username', 'isaque')
        .set('password', '123456')
        .then((result) => print('pgsql insert $result'));

  //pgsql insertGetAll
      .set('username', 'isaque')
      .set('password', '123456')
      .then((result) => print('pgsql insertGetAll $result'));

 //pgsql insertGetId
      .set('username', 'isaque')
      .set('password', '123456')
      .then((result) => print('pgsql insertGetId $result'));

    //pgsql count records
        .then((result) => print('pgsql count $result'));

     //Complex selection With whereGroup, whereSafe, where whereRaw
      await db.raw('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS notificacoes').exec();
      await db.raw('''CREATE TABLE notificacoes (
                      "id" serial NOT NULL ,
                      "mensagem" text COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
                      "dataCriado" timestamp(0) DEFAULT now(),
                      "link" text COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
                      "idPessoa" int4,
                      "idSistema" int4,
                      "userAgent" text COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
                      "idOrganograma" int4,
                      "isLido" bool,
                      "toAll" bool,
                      "icon" text COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
                      CONSTRAINT "notificacoes_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id")
      await db.insert().into('notificacoes').setAll({
        'mensagem': 'Teste',
        'link': 'https://pub.dev',
        'dataCriado': '2021-05-04 17:53:55',
        'idPessoa': 2,
        'idSistema': 1,
        'userAgent': 'Google',
        'idOrganograma': 19,
        'isLido': false,
        'toAll': true,
        'icon': ''

      final query = db.select().fromRaw('notificacoes');
      query.where('"dataCriado"::TIMESTAMP  > \'?\'::TIMESTAMP ', '2021-05-04 17:53:55');
      query.whereGroup((q) {
        q.where('"idPessoa"=?', 2, 'or');
        q.where('"idOrganograma"=?', 19, 'or');
        q.where('"toAll"=?', "'t'", 'or');
        q.whereSafe('"toAll"', '=', 'true');
        q.whereRaw('"toAll"= true');
        return q;
      query.orWhereGroup((q) {
        q.whereSafe('"toAll"', '=', 'true');
        query.orWhereGroup((q) {
          q.whereSafe('"toAll"', '=', 'true');
          return q;
        return q;
      query.order('dataCriado', dir: SortOrder.DESC);
      final listMap = await query.limit(1).getAsMap();

          'id': 1,
          'mensagem': 'Teste',
          'dataCriado': DateTime.tryParse('2021-05-04 17:53:55.000Z'),
          'link': 'https://pub.dev',
          'idPessoa': 2,
          'idSistema': 1,
          'userAgent': 'Google',
          'idOrganograma': 19,
          'isLido': false,
          'toAll': true,
          'icon': ''

  //pgsql transaction example
  var db = await DbLayer().connect(pgsqlCom);
  await db.transaction((ctx) async {
    var result = await ctx.insert().into('usuarios')
    .set('username', 'isaque')
    .set('password', '123456')
    //pgsql use of Where Group => WHERE (nome ilike '%5%' or cpf ilike '%5%') AND id > 0
    await ctx
    .orWhereGroup((query) {
      return query
      .orWhereSafe('nome', 'ilike', '%5%')
      .orWhereSafe('cpf', 'ilike', '%5%');
    .whereSafe('id', '>', 0)

    print('pgsql transaction $result');

  //pgsql getRelationFromMaps example
   var data = await db
      .orWhereGroup((query) {
        return query.orWhereSafe('nome', 'ilike', '%5%').orWhereSafe('cpf', 'ilike', '%5%');
      .whereSafe('id', '>', 0)

  data = await db.getRelationFromMaps(data, 'usuarios', 'idPessoa', 'id');

  print('pgsql select \r\n ${jsonEncode(data)}');
  /* pgsql select 
        "nome":"Isaque Neves Sant'Ana",
        "telefone":"(22) 99701-5305",
        "nome":"João da Silva 5",

    ]  */

A simple beta pre ORM usage example:

import 'package:fluent_query_builder/fluent_query_builder.dart';

class Usuario implements FluentModelBase {

  Usuario.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map) {
    id = map['id'] as int;
    username = map['username'] as String;
    password = map['password'] as String;
    ativo = map['ativo'] as bool;
    idPerfil = map['idPerfil'] as int;

  int id;
  String username;
  String password;
  bool ativo;
  int idPerfil;

  Map<String, dynamic> toMap() {
    final Map<String, dynamic> data = Map<String, dynamic>();
    if (id != null) {
      data['id'] = id;
    data['username'] = username;
    data['password'] = password;
    data['ativo'] = ativo;
    data['idPerfil'] = idPerfil;
    return data;

  String get tableName => 'usuarios';

void main() {
  //connection settings
  final com = DBConnectionInfo(
    host: '',
    database: 'sistemas',
    port: 5432,
    username: 'user',
    password: 'pass',
    charset: 'utf8',
    schemes: ['riodasostrasapp'],
  //connect on database and set factories for construct instance of model
   DbLayer(factories: [
    {Usuario: (x) => Usuario.fromMap(x)}
  ]).connect(com).then((db) {
    //insert Usuario
    db.putSingle<Usuario>(Usuario(username: 'jon.doe', password: '123456'));
    //update Usuario
    db.update().where('id=?', 20).updateSingle<Usuario>(Usuario(username: 'jon.doe', password: '987'));
    //select Usuario
    db.select().from(Usuario().tableName).where('id>?', 2).fetchAll<Usuario>().then((result) {
    //delete Usuario
    db.delete().deleteSingle<Usuario>(Usuario(id: 20, username: 'jon.doe', password: '123456'));


A dart library that allows you to execute SQL queries in the PostgreSQL database in a fluent way, is very easy to execute.

License:MIT License


Language:Dart 99.9%Language:Shell 0.1%