akatrevorjay / water

live coding with d3

Home Page:http://gabrielflor.it/water

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


water is a live coding sketchpad. Code modifications are instantly displayed - no need to refresh your browser. Click on a number, adjust its value via the popup slider, and watch your work change on the fly!

100% totally based on Bret Victor's Inventing on Principle talk, which is one of the best talks I've ever seen. If you watch only one talk this year, make sure it's this one.

The beautiful code editor, Ace, is an open source project by Ajax.org.


git clone https://github.com/gabrielflorit/water.git

This app uses virtualenv. If you haven't done so, create one first:

cd water
virtualenv --no-site-packages .

Next, source the virtualenv:

. bin/activate

Install dependencies with Pip:

bin/pip install -r requirements.txt

Environment Variables

Create an app on GitHub.

Next, create an .env file with the following three keys:

CLIENT_ID=<your github app client id>
CLIENT_SECRET=<your github app secret>
SECRET_KEY=<a randomly generated key - see below>

To generate a random key, fire up the python console:

>>> import os
>>> os.urandom(24)


Finally, start the app with Foreman:

foreman start

Hit and start coding!


live coding with d3
