aka-sham / vuetify-dynamic-form

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vuetify-dynamic-form (Vue 2)

Defining and creating form components and their validation can be tedious and repetitive. This package allows you to dynamically define form inputs with configurable options.


💚 Features

  • Dynamically create form input fields
  • Two-way binded form data. Useful when using forms in update context and the implementing component may update/provide the initial data
  • vee-validate v3 validation
  • Slots to customise field components
  • Flexible configuration for validation, auto-grouping, component props, etc.


npm i --save @moirei/vuetify-dynamic-form
# or yarn add @moirei/vuetify-dynamic-form


import Vue from 'vue'
import VDynamicForm from '@moirei/vuetify-dynamic-form'
import CustomComponent from './CustomComponent'


// Or with options
Vue.use(VDynamicForm, {
  interactionMode: "aggressive",

new Vue({}).$mount('#app')

// then inside your vue components
export default Vue.extend({
  data: () => ({
    form: {},
    inputs: {
      first_name: {
        name: "First Name",
        rules: "required|max:24",
        type: "text",
        line: 1,
        props: {
          filled: true,
      last_name: {
        name: "Last Name",
        rules: "max:24",
        component: "v-text-field", // Use a compnent name
        line: 1,
        props: {
          filled: true,
      address: {
        name: "Address",
        component: CustomComponent, // Use a component
        props: {
          filled: true,

  <v-dynamic-form v-model="form" :input-fields="inputs" />



Name Required? Default Type Description
value yes string The v-model input prop
hide-name no false boolean Whether to hide input name displayed above the component field
loading no false boolean Indicates the form or its data is in loading state. All inputs are disabled if true.
readonly no false boolean Sets all inputs to readonly
disabled no false boolean Disables all inputs
disable-object-rewrite no false boolean Do not clone and emit new object for form data. When enabled, field input property is updated on the form data and the input event is not fired.
hide-actions no false boolean Hides the SUBMIT and CLEAR actions
defaults no {} object Default form values to prepopulate the inputs with
interaction-mode no string Set the default interaction mode for all inputs
input-fields yes object The dynamic form fields
nested-fields no false boolean Allow nested fields. When true, field names like "address.line1" will be saved as property line1 in object address within the form data. To use array as nested key, use the key field option.
valid no boolean Form validation state. Use with valid.sync.

Field options

Field Default Type Description
col object Props to bind to v-col with multiple fields in one line
component string|Component
hideName/hide-name false boolean Hide the input display name
key Field key string string[]
props object Input component props
rules string|array Vee-validate rules
type Uses <input > tag if empty and component is also empty. string Vuetify input types. Valid values: text, select, checkbox, slider, range-slider, switch, textarea and radio
mode aggressive string Vee-validate mode
name Field key string The input display name
vid Field key string Input field validation ID

Plugin options

Field Default Type Description
interactionMode "aggressive" string Configure global default interaction mode


Name Description
input The v-model input event
submit Emitted when the form is validated and submitted.
update:valid The valid.sync prop event


Name Description Props
field:validation:{field} Use to override an input at the validation-provider level. { field }
field:{field} Use to override an input at the component level. { ...field, invalid, errors }
actions Use to override the default SUBMIT and CLEAR actions { submit, clear, invalid }


Name Description
submit Validates and emits submit event if valid
clear Resets the form data and validation states
reset Reset the validation observer
validate Validates all inputs and child forms


Name Description
v-dynamic-form The components class
v-dynamic-form--inputs The class group for all inputs
v-dynamic-form--actions The class group for the default actions


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


Please see CHANGELOG.






Language:Vue 39.1%Language:JavaScript 32.9%Language:TypeScript 27.9%